Microbiome and pancreatic cancer: A comprehensive topic review of literature

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andychinajj
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AIM To review microbiome alterations associated with pancreatic cancer, its potential utility in diagnostics, risk assessment, and influence on disease outcomes.METHODS A comprehensive literature review was conducted by allinclusive topic review from PubM ed, MEDLINE, and Web of Science. The last search was performed in October 2016.RESULTS Diverse microbiome alterations exist among several body sites including oral, gut, and pancreatic tissue, in patients with pancreatic cancer compared to healthy populations.CONCLUSION Pilot study successes in non-invasive screening strategies warrant further investigation for future translational application in early diagnostics and learn modifiable risk factors relevant to disease prevention. Pre-clinical investigations exist in other tumor types that suggest microbiome manipulation provides opportunity to favorably transform cancer response to existing treatment protocols and improve survival. AIM To review microbiome alterations associated with pancreatic cancer, its potential utility in diagnostics, risk assessment, and influence on disease outcomes.METHODS A comprehensive literature review was conducted by allinclusive topic review from PubMed, MEDLINE, and Web of Science. The last search was performed in October 2016.RESULTS Diverse microbiome alterations exist among several body sites including oral, gut, and pancreatic tissue, in patients with pancreatic cancer compared to healthy populations. CONCLUSION Pilot study successes in non-invasive screening strategies warrant further investigation for future translational application in early diagnostics and learn modifiable risk factors relevant to disease prevention. Pre-clinical investigations exist in other tumor types that suggest microbiomes provide opportunity to favorably transform cancer response to existing treatment protocols and improve survival.
香石竹镰刀菌枯萎病是由尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.diathi)侵染所致的土传病害,在全世界所有香石竹生产区均有分布。此病在我国各香石竹种植区普遍发生,危害较重,