改革兴 民族强——读《商君书·更法》感悟

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读一读《商君书·更法》,对于认识当前我国正在进行的改革开放的伟大事业,无疑是大有裨益的。《更法》是一篇记述商鞅与秦孝公、甘龙、杜挚四人关于变法的谈话。商鞅从废除奴隶制和富国强兵的愿望出发,提出了“治世不一道、便国不法古”的主张、与甘、杜的“法古无过,循礼无邪”的因循守旧观点针锋相对,表现了通过变法励精图治、强国富民的大无畏气概和开拓创新精神。面对甘、杜关于“圣人不易民而教、知者不变法而治”和“利不百,不变法;功不十,不易器”的论调,商鞅义正辞严:“前世不同教,何古之法!帝王不相复,何礼不循!伏羲、神农教而不诛,黄帝、尧、舜诛而不怒,……礼、法以时而定,制、令各顺其宜,兵甲器备各便其用……汤、武之五也,不循古而兴;殷、夏之灭也,不易礼而亡。然则反古者未必可非,循礼者未足多是也。”历数前世帝王“礼法不同”而可治及不因循古而兴或亡的道理,强调“当时而立法,因事而制 Reading the Book of Shang Shu and the Law more clearly is of great help in understanding the great cause of the ongoing reform and opening up in our country. ”More Law“ is an account of Shang Yang and Qin Xiaogong, Gan Long, Du Zhi four talk about change. Starting from the desire to abolish slavery and make the country rich and powerful, Shang Yang proposed the proposition of ”governing the world not the same, but not the law of ancient China.“ Opposite viewpoints demonstrate the daring spirit and pioneering spirit of strengthening the nation and enriching the people through transformation and improvement. The face of Gan, Du on ”Saints not easy to teach, the knowledge of the invariable rule and “ and ”profane, invariant; work is not ten, not easy to “ argument, ”The past life of different teachings, the ancient method! The emperor does not support each other, what ritual does not follow! Fu Xi, Shen Nong Jiao and not punish the Yellow Emperor, Yao, Shun punish without anger, ... Each along its appropriate, armor equipment will use it ... ... soup, Wu of the five also do not follow the ancient and Xing; Yin and summer of the extermination, not easy to die and then die. Adequate is also. “History of the past emperors ” different etiquette “but can cure and not follow the ancient or the rise and fall of the truth, emphasizing” the then legislation, because of the system
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每一个身在职场的人,都希望自己能够在“场”上游刃有余,精彩纷呈。怎样才能实现这个美好的愿望呢?诀窍无它——过好五道“关”。  第一,忠诚关。俗话说:“端人家的碗,服人家的管。”这个“服”是“口服”更是“心服”。换句话说,既然在这家公司,就要忠诚于这家公司,就要尽心竭力,付出心血,奉献智慧,切不可得过且过、敷衍塞责,更不能三心二意、见利忘义。公司把你招进来,就是把信任给了你,如果你辜负这份信任,不仅