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「经济核算制是社会主义的经济管理的基本方法,他的任务就是保证各社会主义企业能在更多的节约各种必要费用的情况下,来完成或超额完成生产计划及商品流转计划」。经济核算是克服我们当前经营管理不善,改进业务,沿着合理地科学地正常地道路发展的方法,也是我们合作社企业在增产节约运动基础上继续巩固提高必由之路。一九五三年合作社企业要求县以上的社实行经济核算制、基层社实行定额管理。但目前各级社官僚主义、供给制思想严重的存在,大大影 “The economic accounting system is the basic method of socialist economic management. Its task is to ensure that all socialist enterprises can complete or over-complete their production planning and commodity circulation plans with more savings in all kinds of necessary expenses.” Economic accounting is a way to overcome our current poor management, improve our business and develop along a reasonable and scientific road. It is also the only way for our cooperative enterprises to continue to consolidate and increase on the basis of boosting production and saving labor. In 1953, cooperative enterprises are required to carry out the economic accounting system in the communities above the county level, and the grassroots units carry out quota management. However, at present, there are serious bureaucratic and supply systems ideologies at all levels and great shadow
Coded excitation technology(CET) can effectively enhance the penetration and resolution of ultrasonic testing.To analyze the influence of rock properties on pul