
来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:x111678
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  Mike was an 11 years old boy. He was the only son to his parent. His father worked as a carpenter1 and his mother was a house wife. Although Mike’s family wasn’t a rich one, they had a happy life.
  Mike’s school was located2 a mile away from his home. Mike’s birthday was coming up in a week. He asked his father to buy him a bicycle, so that he can go to school by bike and not by walk. His father doesn’t need to drop him at school. His father also promised3 him to buy a bicycle. Mike felt so happy.
  The boy woke up happily and his mother and father wished him with all smiles on his birthday. Mike was feeling very happy and wanted his father to give him the bicycle as a gift. He had a gift wrapped4 nicely in his father’s hand.
  The father gave him the parcel5 and Mike found a set of books as the birthday gift from his father. Although he was a little unhappy as he did not have the bicycle, he thanked his father.
  Mike’s father was not glad as he did not have the money to buy a cycle. He said to his son that he would soon buy him a cycle.
  After a week, when he was walking on his way to his home back from school, he saw a boy riding a cycle. Mike felt that the cycle was too small for the big boy. Just then, the boy ran into something and skidded6 in the street. Mike ran to him and recognized7 him. He was his school mate, named Sam.
  Sam was injured8 badly and there was no one near to help him except9 Mike. Mike helped him stand up and gave him some water. Sam was riding the cycle fast, so his left leg and hands were badly injured. Mike asked him to sit at the road side, took the cycle and ran to a nearby hospital to get help.
  An ambulance10 came and carried Sam to the hospital. Mike then went to Sam’s home and told it to his parents.
  Sam and his parent thanked Mike for the help. Mike in turn said, “Thanks to Sam’s cycle.” Mike also told Sam’s parent, “Cycle is too small for Sam to ride and that’s why he was injured.” Sam and Mike became close friends. Mike met Sam every day in hospital until he was discharged11.
  Sam got a new cycle and he knew that Mike did not own a cycle. He gave his old cycle to Mike and with Mike’s parents’ permission12, Mike accepted the gift from Sam.
  1. carpenter
编 者 注  詹姆斯·瓦特(James Watt,1736-1819)是英国著名的发明家。1776年制造出第一台有实用价值的蒸汽机。他开辟了人类利用能源新时代,标志着工业革命的开始。后人为了纪念这位伟大的发明家,把功率的单位定为“瓦特”。  James Watt was an English boy. He was clever and bright. He liked to ask questi
Petey, my next-door neighbor, called to me from his front porch1. I sat on the steps next to him and watched him play his new guitar.  我隔壁的邻居皮蒂在他的前门给我打了个电话。我坐在他旁边的台阶上,看着他弹新吉他。  “My dad found this guit
① a grape 一粒葡萄  ② a jar of of water 一碗水  ③ a cup of syrup 一小杯糖浆  ④ a bottle of cooking oil 一瓶食用油  ⑤ a plastic block一块塑料积木  ⑥ a cork 一块软木  ⑦ a tall transparent container 透明的高容器
Hans Christian Andersen was the most famous writer in Denmark. His stories have attracted many young readers around the world and many of his works are still popular today.  汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生是丹麦最著名的作家,他的童话
【栏目要求】  1. 将学生习作根据中考分值给出成绩; 2. 在应该修改的地方划线并标注序号;  3. 根据所标序号进行修改并说明修改的理由; 4. 给学生习作点评;  5. 请点评名师提供简历一份,包括:学校、职务、职称、荣誉、教研教学成果、照片一张。  投稿邮箱: zxsyy2007@163.com或whzxsyy@163.com  来稿请寄: 430079 华中师范大学外国语学院《中学生英语
Hello, everyone. I’m glad to tell you something about our neighborhood. It is quiet and the air is fresh. There is a garden in the center of the neighborhood. All our neighbors are friendly. Some of t
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The war broke out. Followed the heart, the young husband joined the army and sacrificed1 his life, leaving behind his wife and kids.  战争爆发了,年轻的丈夫听从自己的心意去参军,他牺牲了,留下妻子和几个孩子。  Postwar life was very hard,
初学英语的人,常用expense来表示一切“费用”。其实expense主要是“花费”、“开支”之意,例current expenses “日常开支”,selling expenses“销售费用”,traveling expenses“旅行费用”等等。在现实生活中,各种“费用”有各种不同的表达法:  一、 admission n. 入场费。例:  admission by ticket only 凭
英语教材改革后,对教师是一次新的挑战。单词量增加,内容超前,更注重学生能力的培养和听说读写的综合运用。作为教师,必须分析,钻研教材,对一些难点,掌握规律,巧编口诀,力争让学生在短时间内掌握得更准,更牢。  下面,我谈谈在英语中对几个难点的突破。  一、一般现在时动词(单复数时)的变化  对于初一学生来说,第一次接触“时态”。能理解好概念,本也不易,为了让更多的学生懂得变化规则,我编了以下口诀: