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课堂导入是高职英语教学过程中第一个环节,也是非常重要的环节。导入得当,能直接吸引学生,引起学生的注意,从而使其产生良好的学习动机,极大地调动学生学习的积极性,提高课堂效率。更能在学生的心田中播下学习的种子,树立起他们学好英语的信心。本文就如何在高职英语课堂中进行导入作一探讨。 Classroom introduction is the first link in the process of English teaching in higher vocational education, and it is also a very important link. Properly imported, it can directly attract students, arouse the attention of students, so as to produce a good learning motivation, greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of the students to learn, improve the efficiency of the classroom. They can sow the seeds of learning in the hearts of students and build their confidence in learning English. This article discusses how to import in higher vocational English classroom.
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随着社会的发展 ,人们期望能随时随地、不受时空限制地进行信息交换和通信 ,传统的信息方式和传统的通信设备 ,显得有些力不从心 ,只有无线移动通信才能满足这种需要。本文简