油菜筒喙象(虫甲)在我社发生较为普遍,1976年水东大队140亩油菜平均被害率38.7%,严重地块高达88%,是油菜生产的一大害虫。据我们观察:油菜筒喙象(虫甲)各虫态的发生、发展与温度的关系极为密切,特别是与最高温度的关系更为密切。当油菜返青后,越冬成虫便迁入活动,长势好的地块被害率为54%,而一般地块为11%。当油菜即将成熟,秸秆干枯时,卵就不再孵化。降雨对成虫交尾、产卵也极为不利。根据筒喙象(虫甲)的发生消长规律,我们采取的防治办法是: 1.毒杀成虫:成虫在茎内不易防治,应选择成虫产卵前(即油菜拔节3-5厘米)在早晨顺垅撒6%的666粉毒土(亩施4斤)或用1,000倍的1605药液喷雾毒杀。
Canola drum beak (Anchovy) occurs more commonly in our society, in 1976, 140 acres of canola average water damage rate of 38.7%, a serious block up to 88%, is a major pest of rape production. According to our observation, the occurrence and development of each beetle in the canola beetle are closely related to the temperature, especially the relationship with the highest temperature. When the rape turns green, overwintering adults move into the activity. The good land is damaged by 54%, while the average is 11%. When the rape is about to mature, the straw will not hatch when the straw is dry. Rain on the adult mating, spawning is also extremely unfavorable. According to the tube beak as the (growth and decline of the law), we take the prevention and treatment are: 1. Poison adult: insects in the stem is not easy to prevent and control, should choose the pre-ovulation (ie 3-5 cm canola join) Shun Tuo 6% of 666 powder soil (Mushi 4 pounds) or with 1,000 times the 1605 liquid spray poisoning.