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据交通部透露,国家将把交通运输业列为经济发展的战略重点,在宏观上加强调控,政策上予以扶持,并将加大对交通建设的投入,拓宽交通建设资金来源渠道。国家决定把公路、水路交通基础设施建设摆在重要的位置,在今后相当长的时期内优先发展,各级政府也将给予各项优惠政策。 根据从战略上调整国有经济布局的要求,并吸取国内外交通建设的经验教训,公路、水路交通基础设施建设将以国家为投资主体,并居控制地位。为适应西部大开发战略的要求,国家将优先安排西部地区公路基础设施建设,通过增加财政转移支付等措施,加大对西部地区公路建设的投入。对于港口建设中属于公益性的部分,国家将在资金安排上给予倾斜。 According to the Ministry of Communications, the state will list the transportation industry as a strategic focus of economic development, strengthen its control and policy on the macro-level, and increase investment in transport construction so as to broaden the sources of funds for traffic construction. The state has decided to put highway and waterway transport infrastructure in an important position and give priority to development for a relatively long period in the future. Various levels of government will also give preferential policies. According to the requirements of strategically adjusting the layout of state-owned economy and drawing lessons from traffic construction at home and abroad, the construction of highway and waterway transport infrastructure will take the state as the main investment and take the controlling position. In order to meet the requirements of the strategy of developing the western region, the state will prioritize the construction of highway infrastructure in the western region and will increase its investment in highway construction in the western region by increasing measures such as fiscal transfer payments. For the port construction part of public welfare, the state will give preference to the funding arrangements.
依据以往各种运输方式所经历的成长、饱和以及衰退的循环周期 ,可以预计在 2 1世纪初将出现一种新的运输方式 ,文中对此进行了分析和预测 Based on the cycle of growth, sa
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