Hydrothermal Assembly and Structural Characterization of a Novel 3D Coordination Polymer: [Cd_2Zn(BT

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A hydrothermal reaction of 1,3,5-benzene-tricarboxylic acid (H3BTC) with cad- mium acetate, zinc acetate and pyridine led to the formation of pink crystals of [Cd2Zn(BTC)2- (H2O)4]n?2nH2O 1. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis has revealed that 1 (Cd2ZnC18H18O18) crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2/c with a = 19.4328(7), b = 7.1420(3), c = 18.0426(5) ?, β = 118.035(1)o, V = 2210.3(1) ?3, Mr = 812.49, Dc = 2.442 g/cm3, Z = 4, μ(MoKα) = 3.081 mm-1 and F(000) =1584. A total of 10735 reflections were collected, of which 2544 were unique. The structure was refined to R = 0.0200 and wR = 0.0603 for 2388 observed reflections with I>2σ(I). The crystal structure consists of cadmium(II)/zinc(II) carboxylates of BTC as well as coordination and discrete water molecules. Extension of the coordination geometry around three metal centers (Cd(1), Cd(2) and Zn(1)), two BTC3- ligands and four coordinated water molecules generates a three-dimensional coordination polymer. A hydrothermal reaction of 1,3,5-benzene-tricarboxylic acid (H3BTC) with cad- mium acetate, zinc acetate and pyridine led to the formation of pink crystals of [Cd2Zn (BTC) 2- (H2O) 4] n ~ 2nH2O 1. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis has revealed that 1 (Cd2ZnC18H18O18) crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2 / c with a = 19.4328 (7), b = 7.1420 (3), c = 18.0426 (5) , β = 118.035 (1) o, V = 2210.3 (1)? 3, Mr = 812.49, Dc = 2.442 g / cm3, Z = 4, μ (MoKα) = 3.081 mm-1 and F (000) = 1584. A total of 10735 reflections were collected, of which 2544 were unique. The structure was refined to R = 0.0200 and wR = 0.0603 for 2388 observed reflections with I> 2σ (I). The crystal structure consists of cadmium (II) / zinc II) carboxylates of BTC as well as discrete water molecules. Extension of the coordination geometry around three metal centers (Cd (1), Cd (2) and Zn (1)), two BTC3- ligands and four coordinated water molecules a three-dimensional coordination pol ymer.
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牢固树立和全面落实科学发展观,是统筹城乡发展、推进县域经济又快又好发展的必然要求。在遭遇了2001年的干旱和2003年的大震后,甘肃省民乐县努力克服自然灾害后的不利影响,坚定不移地落实科学发展观,实施工业强县、产业富民、推进城镇化进程三大战略,全力推进“富县”和“富民”进程,实现了全县经济的快速健康发展。用科学发展观指导县域经济发展,应努力做好以下几方面工作:  大力推进工业强县战略。民乐县县委书
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The title compound (H3NCH2CH2NH3)4[(VO)6(B10O22)2]·(H3O)7 1 has been synthe- sized by the hydrothermal method and determined by X-ray crystallography. Crystall