一、春季蝼蛄为害麦苗的始盛末期 麦苗返青以后,当日平均气温上升到5℃时(3月上、中旬),蝼蛄即开始到地表活动,为害麦苗;当日平均气温超过7.5℃时(约3月25日至4月25日),是为害盛期。这个时期,麦苗受害率占春季总受害率的80%。温度愈高,受害愈重。4月下旬以后,麦株打苞孕穗,麦秆硬化,不宜蝼蛄取食,被害率逐渐下降,小麦灌浆后即停止为害。 在一天之内,蝼蛄的活动时间,以上午12时至下午6时最盛。
First, the spring 蝼 蛄 damage wheat seedlings after the beginning of the end of the beginning of the spring wheat seedling green, the average temperature rose to 5 ℃ (March, mid), the catfish began to surface activity, damage wheat seedlings; day average temperature over 7.5 ℃ (about 3 January 25 to April 25), is the damaging period. During this period, wheat seedling damage accounted for 80% of the total damage in spring. The higher the temperature, the harder the victim. After the end of April, wheat plant booting boskets, hardened wheat straw, should not eat catfish, the rate of victimization gradually declined, the wheat ceased to stop the damage after grouting. During the day, the activity hours of the jubilee peak from 12am to 6pm.