
来源 :春秋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:27-Aug
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出敦煌城东南行,穿过敦煌绿洲风光秀丽的田野,便进入了茫茫无边的大戈壁。举目四顾,那铺展到天边的褐黑色的砂砾,起伏不平的金黄色的沙包,零零散散生长着几丛红柳、拐枣、骆驼刺和远处流荡着的蜃气……使人感到荒凉、单调、寂寞,没有生气,仿佛置身于大荒世界。可是,当你一直前进,走到三危山前时,突然间,一派奇景会扑入你的眼帘——这里,有一条长约两公里的 Dunhuang City, southeast of the line, through the beautiful fields of Dunhuang oasis, they entered the vast boundless Great Gobi. Look around and look around, it spread to the horizon of the brown-black gravel, the ups and downs of the golden sandbags, fragmented growth with a few plexiglass, turnip dates, camel thorn and the distant stream of mirage ... ... people feel desolate , Monotonous, lonely, not angry, as if exposure to the Great Wild World. But suddenly, as you move on and walk in front of the Three Mile Mountains, a spectacle of wonders plunges into your sight - here, there is a two-kilometer
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主要介绍一起220 kV线路对地放电,主变差动正确动作后,由于电流互感器接线的问题造成母线保护动作的原因分析及整改措施,引以为戒,保证设备保护的正确动作。 Mainly introdu