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我未曾再见过如此寂静而幽深的长廊。记忆里,那道贯穿正厅与客厅的长廊,自很久以来,便此般默默传递着两厅的信息。从客厅望去,长廊的尽头,终日轻烟袅袅,富丽堂皇的神案上供奉着土地公,旁边则是祖先神位。乳白色的墙壁,令人觉得神圣而静穆,在一片洁白柔和的中央,悬挂着祖父的遗像。厅堂上一组大理石的桌椅硬冷冷,厚重敦实。长廊的一面是石砌的墙,漆着蓝色,另一面则是由上等柚木筑成的隔间,靠着长廊的一边嵌着整排的花格玻璃,而玻璃内呢,是四间夜晚载着美梦和回忆的房间。从正厅,一股严肃的气氛通过长廊便慢慢淡了下来。然后,便隐约可以听到偶尔的喧哗声、嘻笑声,逐渐在空气中活泼起来。白天,那道长廊便已显得昏昏暗暗,而到了夜晚,隔着客厅望去,长廊的那头竟如此幽远遥而不及,我觉得颇费解,为何喧闹声与宗教气氛是如此格 I have never seen such a silent and deep promenade ever again. In memory, the corridor that runs through the main hall and the living room has quietly transmitted information from the two halls for a long time. Looking from the living room, at the end of the promenade, it bleeds all day long. The palatial divine case enshrines the land and the side is the ancestral god. The milky white walls are regarded as sacred and quiet. In the center of a white and soft, hanging portrait of his grandfather. A set of marble tables and chairs on the hall was hard and cold and thick. On one side of the promenade is a stone wall painted blue, and on the other side is a compartment made of fine teakwood. On the side of the promenade is an array of rows of latticed glass. The inside of the glass is Four rooms with dreams and memories in the night. From the main hall, a serious atmosphere slowly faded through the promenade. Then, occasionally buzzing, smirking and laughter can be heard vaguely and gradually become lively in the air. During the day, the corridor was dim and dark. At night, looking across the living room, the head of the promenade was so far away that I could not understand it. I was puzzled why the noise was so ambiguous with the religious atmosphere.
1.虚证 中篇小说集 中国友谊出版公司1989年版。2.黑的雪 长篇小说 工人出版社1989年版。3.东西南北风 中短篇小说集 作家出版社1989年版。4.连环套 ’ 中短篇小说集 江苏文