
来源 :广西医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dnaln_xcl
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国内关于鼻石、鼻腔牙的报告甚多,但以鼻腔牙为中心形成鼻石的报告极为少见,现报告一例。林××,男,28岁,广西资源县武装部干事,广东籍,1978年2月25日入院,住院号18866。主诉:1976年3月始无何诱因,自觉左鼻阻,持续性加重,流粘脓性涕伴头昏。检查:体温、脉搏、血压正常。全身情况良好。外鼻无畸形,左侧鼻底粘膜明显肿胀,总鼻道见一褐色硬块堵塞,质松脆,周围附着较多之粘脓性分泌物。口腔上下牙弓完整各16个牙齿,左右对称无缺损,腭部无畸形,耳部及咽部未见异常。X线照片左侧鼻 Domestic reports on nasal stones and nasal teeth are numerous, but the report of the formation of nasal stones with nasal teeth as the center is extremely rare. One case is reported now. Lin × ×, male, 28 years old, Guangxi Resources County Armed Forces, Guangdong, Guangdong, February 25, 1978 admission, hospital 18866. Chief Complaint: There was no inducement in March 1976, conscious left nasal resistance, persistent aggravating, purulent nasal discharge with dizziness. Check: body temperature, pulse, normal blood pressure. The whole body is in good condition. Nasal nose without deformity, the left nasal mucosa was significantly swollen, the general auricle to see a block of brown lumps, crisp quality, more adhesion around the purulent secretions. Oral upper and lower dental arch full of 16 teeth, symmetrical no defect, no deformity of the palate, ears and throat no abnormalities. X-ray picture on the left side of the nose
安美汀 (羟氨苄青霉素 /克拉维甲酸 )肝脏毒性少见 ,主要影响成人 ,且有自限性。现报道 1例安美汀治疗后出现急进性肝脏病变伴胆管扩张和肝门纤维化的男童。病例 :男 ,2岁 9
AIM: To study the activity of gemcitabine and cisplatin in a cohort of patients with inoperable or metastatic cholangiocarcinoma. METHODS: Chemotherapy-naive pa
患儿 ,男性 ,1岁 2个月。因食“QQ软糖”约 1 0分钟后突然现出憋气、口唇发青、呼吸困难 ,由保姆抱来我站急诊。入院时见患儿口唇极度发绀、面色青紫、呼吸高度困难 (尤为吸气
The structure and energy of boron nitrides, (BN)n (n = 10—41), have been investigated theoretically. The most stable cages have been constructed on the basis o
在Pu原子的相对论有效原子实势近似下 ,用密度泛函B3LYP方法计算得到PuCO基态分子的平衡结构为 :RPuC=0 .30 2 2 7nm ,RCO=0 .10 919nm ,∠PuCO =12 3.72 3o,离解能为12 .6 8
1991年~1999年我院收治小儿急性有机磷中毒20例,其中有10例被误诊,现分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:男6例,女4例,年龄6月~12岁,平均5.6岁。 1.2 主要临床表现:体温38℃