A hybrid swarm population of Pinus densiflora × P. sylvestris inferred from sequence analysis of chl

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccmjacky20
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To confirm a hybrid swarm population of Pinus densiflora × P. sylvestris in Jilin, China, we used needles and seeds from P. densiflora, P. sylvestris, and P. densiflora × P. sylvestris collected from natural stands or experimental stations to study whether shoot apex morphology of 4- year old seedlings can be correlated with the sequence of a chloroplast DNA simple sequence repeat marker (cpDNA SSRs). Total genomic DNA was extracted and subjected to sequence analysis of the pine cpDNA SSR marker Pt15169. Results show that morphological characters from 4-year old seedlings did not correlate with sequence variants of this marker. Marker haplotypes from all P. sylvestris trees had a CTAT element that was absent from all sampled P. densiflora trees. However, both haplotype classes involving this insertion/deletion element were found in a P. densiflora × P. sylvestris population and its seedling progeny. It was concluded that the P. densiflora × P. sylvestris accessions sampled from Jilin, China resulted from bi-directional crosses, as evidenced by both species’ cpDNA haplotypes within the hybrid swarm population. To confirm a hybrid swarm population of Pinus densiflora × P. sylvestris in Jilin, China, we used needles and seeds from P. densiflora, P. sylvestris, and P. densiflora × P. sylvestris collected from natural or experimental stations to study whether shoot apex morphology of 4-year old seedlings can be correlated with the sequence of a chloroplast DNA simple sequence repeat marker (cpDNA SSRs). Total genomic DNA was extracted and subjected to sequence analysis of the pine cpDNA SSR marker Pt15169. characters from 4-year old seedlings did not correlate with sequence variants of this marker. Marker haplotypes from all P. sylvestris trees had a CTAT element that was absent from all sampled P. densiflora trees. However, both haplotype classes involving this insertion / deletion element were found in a P. densiflora × P. sylvestris population and its seedling progeny. It was verified that the P. densiflora × P. sylvestris accessions sampled from Jil in, China resulted from bi-directional crosses, as evidenced by both species’ cpDNA haplotypes within the hybrid swarm population.
介绍了一种新颖ZCT推挽正激软开关升压电源主电路,对该主电路工作原理进行了详细分析,并对辅助谐振电路参数进行公式推导。利用MATLAB/ SIMULINK软件搭建了仿真模型,优化了主