识大体顾大局 着眼长远利益——小观育苗厂放流增殖十年不辍

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山东省文登市小观镇育苗厂在放流增殖年年贴钱的情况下,着眼未来,坚持不懈地放流增殖。自1985年以来,该厂向近海水域人工放流虾苗连续11年居全省之冠,被省水产局评为全省唯一的“海洋增殖先进单位”。 小观育苗厂地处黄海之滨,附近水域水质清澈,是对虾栖身与繁殖的理想港湾。这个拥有2600立方米育苗水体的企业自1984年诞生以来,以对虾育苗为主,兼搞扇贝、鱼、蟹等海产品育苗。1988年,该厂被山东省水产局确定为定点增殖站,按水产局下达的年度放流指标,该厂兑除渔政补贴的增殖费,每年仍需负担20多万元的“额外投入”。对此,不少人认为放流增殖是“亏了自己,受益万家”的“贴本”生意,划不来。而厂党支部认为,尽管对本厂说投入多、受益少,但放流增殖是一项利国利民,具有全局性的事业,社会效益显著,因此局部必须服从全局。因而,该厂把人工放流增殖作为恢复对虾资源的有效措施常抓不懈。首先,做到投入到位,根据省水产局下达的年度放流增殖指标,这个厂把投入资金和增殖育苗均纳入计划,特别是近几年来, Small Town, Wendeng City, Shandong Province nursery plant in the proliferation of annual subsidies to paste the case, focus on the future, unremitting release flow proliferation. Since 1985, the plant has released artificial shrimp shrimp to the offshore waters for the first time in a row for 11 consecutive years and has been awarded as the only “advanced unit for marine breeding” by the provincial Bureau of Fisheries. Small breeding plant is located in the Yellow Sea, the waters near the clear water, shrimp shelter and breeding the ideal harbor. The 2600 cubic meters of nursery water companies since its inception in 1984 to shrimp nursery-based, and engage in scallops, fish, crab and other seafood nursery. In 1988, the plant was designated as a site for site-specific multiplication by the Bureau of Fisheries of Shandong Province. According to the annual discharge target issued by the Bureau of Fisheries, the plant still needs to bear an additional investment of more than 200,000 yuan each year. In response, many people think that the proliferation of offshoots is a “sticker-based” business that “owes itself to benefiting thousands of families” and can not draw it off. However, the branch office of the factory thinks that although it invests more and receives less benefit from the factory, exile and proliferation are a benefit to the country and the people and have a global cause with significant social benefits. Therefore, the localities must obey the overall situation. Therefore, the plant to artificial proliferation excretion as an effective measure to restore resources shrimp catch unremitting efforts. First of all, to put into place, according to the annual released by the Provincial Bureau of Fisheries multiplied proliferation index, the plant to invest funds and breeding nursery into the plan, especially in recent years,
树立跨世纪的意识 明确跨世纪的责任高萍展望二十一世纪的中国教育,必将在九十年代进一步深化教育改革的基础上,以“开发”脑矿、培养开拓型现代化建设的实用人才为中心;效益观
近年,我们在池塘中进行蟹苗当年养成商品蟹试验,取得显著经济效益。商品蟹最大个体125克,平均个体100克。现将具体做法介绍如下: 一、池塘选择、准备、放养 1.池塘选择 养殖
——大蒜:每50公斤鱼用0.5~1公斤大蒜拌入饲料连喂6天,可防治肠炎病;每50公斤鱼用大蒜、食盐、大黄各500克拌料连喂一周,可防治烂鳃病、肠炎病。 ——南瓜子:每万尾鱼种用250
一、早放鱼种 冬至到立春是水库鱼种投放的最好季节。这段时间,水温低,鱼的活动能力弱,鳞片紧密,在捕捞、运输和放养过程中不易受伤,可避免鱼种因受伤感染得病、死亡。早放