根本之策——强化刑侦队伍素质 从根本上提高打击犯罪的能力

来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guaodeshanying
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着眼战略高度,充分认识强化刑侦队伍素质的极端重要性强化刑侦队伍素质是当前形势发展的需要,更是面向21世纪,把怎样一支刑侦队伍带人新世纪的重大问题。因此,我们要从刑侦工作的全局性、根本性和长远性上的战略高度,充分认识这项工作的必要性和紧迫性。强化刑侦队伍素质,是适应严峻治安形势,担负繁重打击任务的需要当前我国正处在改革开放和经济发展的重要历史时期。随着社会关系的调整和利益格局的变化,刑事犯罪也急剧向重化发展,进入一个新的高峰期。从发案上看,1998年是辽宁省历史上刑事案件发案的第五个高峰年。全省共立刑事案件117126起,其中大案56535起,特大案件8857起,大案和特大案件发案是历史上最高年份。同10年前比,全省大案增加8倍。在刑事案件发案中,大案比重从20%上升到40% Focusing on strategic height and fully understanding the extreme importance of strengthening the quality of criminal investigation team Strengthening the quality of criminal investigation team is the need for the development of the current situation and the major issue facing the 21st century and how to bring a criminal investigation team to the new century. Therefore, we must fully understand the necessity and urgency of this work from the overall, fundamental and long-term strategic height of criminal investigation work. To strengthen the quality of the criminal investigation team is to meet the severe security situation and take the heavy blow to the task. At present, our country is in an important historic stage of reform and opening up and economic development. With the adjustment of social relations and changes in the pattern of interests, criminal offenses have also rapidly moved towards the development of reform and development and entered a new peak. From the point of view of firing, 1998 is the fifth peak year in the history of Liaoning province criminal cases. There were 117,126 criminal cases in the province, of which 56,535 were major cases and 8857 were super-large ones. The number of major and extraordinary cases was the highest in history. Compared with 10 years ago, the province’s major case increased 8 times. In criminal cases, the proportion of major cases rose from 20% to 40%
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