中共山东省委 山东省人民政府贯彻《中共中央、国务院关于切实加强农业基础建设进一步促进农业发展农民增收的若干意见》的实施意见

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《中共山东省委山东省人民政府贯彻<中共中央、国务院关于切实加强农业基础建设进一步促进农业发展农民增收的若干意见>的实施意见》(鲁发[2008]1号)指出:要加快转变农业发展方式,增创农业农村经济发展新优势;强化农业基本建设,改善农业发展条件;大力发展农村公共事业,加快改善农村民生;落实强农惠农政策,加快推进城乡一体化发展;全面深化农村改革,增强农业发展活力;加强和改善党的领导,夯实农村基层基础。2008年,农业增加值预期增长4%,农民人均纯收入预期增长8%;各级财政支农投入的增量要明显高于上年,国家固定资产投资用于农村的增量要明显高于上年,政府土地出让收入用于农村建设的增量要明显高于上年;新型农村合作医疗政府补助标准提高到每人每年不低于60元;全省农村低保标准提高到900元。 "Implementation Opinions of the CPC Shandong Provincial People’s Government of Shandong Province on Implementing the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Several Opinions on Practically Strengthening Agricultural Infrastructure and Further Increasing Farmers’ Income in Agriculture (Lu, 2008) No. 1 pointed out: It is necessary to speed up the transformation of agriculture Development mode to create new advantages in agricultural and rural economic development; strengthen agricultural infrastructure and improve conditions for agricultural development; vigorously develop rural public utilities to speed up the improvement of people’s livelihood in rural areas; implement the policy of benefiting agriculture and benefiting farmers and accelerating the integration of urban and rural areas; Reform and enhance the vitality of agricultural development; strengthen and improve the party’s leadership and lay a solid foundation for rural grassroots work. In 2008, the added value of agriculture is expected to increase by 4% while the per capita net income of peasants is expected to increase by 8%. The increment of financial support for agriculture at all levels is obviously higher than that of the previous year. The increment of national fixed asset investment in rural areas is obviously higher than that of rural areas In the previous year, the increase of government land transfer income for rural construction was significantly higher than that of the previous year; the standard of government subsidy for new-type rural cooperative medical care was raised to no less than 60 yuan per person per year; the minimum living standard in rural areas in the province was raised to 900 yuan.
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