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1999年秋,我应台湾南华大学邀请,赴台进行为期两月的短期讲学和参访。其间于“9·12”大地震后,特别同尔雅出版社发行人隐地,作了一次有关纯文学出版方面的访谈,感受颇深。隐地本名柯青华,1937年生,浙江永嘉人,是台湾资深出版家,同时也是台湾著名作家,56岁后又转而写诗,六年内出版三部诗集,反响强烈,成为中国新文学史上第一位成名作家返顾诗歌创作的特例,为两岸诗界传为佳话。同时,作为出版家,隐地在许多出版同行都以商业价值为前提的时代,矢志“在有限的生命里种一棵无限的文学树”,以艺术良心、诗意情怀和为文学献身的精神,坚持文化价值与商业价值并行且以文化建设为重的出版方针,为推动台湾纯文学发展和两岸文学交流竭尽心力,使其主持的尔雅出版社影响日盛,享誉世界华文文学界。新千年伊始,时值尔雅出版社成立25周年,特整理出这篇访谈,以志纪念,并求证于两岸出版界,以促交流共进。 In the autumn of 1999, at the invitation of Taiwan’s Nanhua University, I went to Taiwan for a two-day short lecture and visit. During the “9 · 12” earthquake in the meantime, especially with the publisher of Er Ya Publishing House intimacy, made an interview on pure literary publishing, deep feelings. Humble native to Keqinghua, born in 1937, Zhejiang Yongjia, is a Taiwan veteran publisher, but also a famous Taiwanese writer. After turning 56, he wrote poems and published three poems within six years. His response was strong and became the first in the history of Chinese new literature A famous example of famous writers’ retrospective poetry writing is the story of cross-strait poetry circles. At the same time, as a publishing house, in an age when many publishing colleagues presuppose commercial value, they are determined to “plant an infinite literary tree in a limited life,” with artistic conscience, poetic feelings and devotion to literature. Adhere to the parallel publication of cultural values ​​and commercial values ​​and taking cultural construction as the priority, and strive to promote the development of pure literature and cross-Strait literary exchanges in Taiwan. Through this effort, Ernst & Young Press, which is chaired by it, has a flourishing influence and is renowned worldwide for Chinese literary circles. At the beginning of the new millennium, when the 25-year anniversary of the value-Ya publishing house, this book was specially compiled to commemorate and verify the publication on both sides of the Taiwan Strait in order to promote exchange and cooperation.
AIM To investigate and compare the effects of tocotrienol and omeprazole on gastric growth factors in rats exposed to water-immersion restraint stress(WIRS).MET
人们说:“有钱能使鬼推磨。”人们又说:“金钱买不来快乐。”那么,怎样花钱买来幸福感呢?   心理学家告诉我们,只要肯花小小心思,幸福感其实是可以便宜“买”到手的。     拒绝奢侈体验:一块蛋糕两次吃   加州大学圣地亚哥分校管理学助理教授尼尔森和纽约大学管理学副教授梅维斯(Tom Meyvis)在2008年做了一项研究,让两组志愿者分别参与为时3分钟的按摩体验。第一组在按摩中会有