
来源 :天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a7343022
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为研究大截面的7A04高强铝合金角形柱轴压整体稳定性能,进行了18个试件的试验,将试验结果与我国规范进行对比,并建立了试验的有限元模型.试验结果表明:名义长细比为30~80时,试件发生弯扭屈曲破坏;名义长细比为100时,试件发生弯曲屈曲破坏.可得出结论:我国规范过多考虑板件局部屈曲对于构件的影响从而大大低估其稳定承载力;对于板件宽厚比超限不多的构件,局部屈曲对构件稳定承载力几乎无影响;有限元计算结果与试验结果吻合良好,用所建立的有限元模型可以对7A04高强铝合金角形柱稳定性能进行准确模拟. In order to study the overall stability of 7A04 high-strength aluminum alloy angular column with large cross-section, the test of 18 specimens was carried out, the test results were contrasted with those of our country, and the finite element model of the test was established. The test results show that nominal length When the fineness ratio is 30 ~ 80, the specimen buckled and buckled, and the bending and buckling failure occurred when the nominal slenderness ratio was 100. It can be concluded that the excessive buckling of the slab has the effect on the component Greatly underestimates its stable bearing capacity. For members with less than minimum width-thickness ratio, the local buckling has almost no effect on the steady bearing capacity of the members. The calculated results agree well with the experimental results. With the established finite element model, 7A04 High-strength aluminum alloy angle column stable performance of accurate simulation.
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