落实\\"三贴近\\" 做好\\"三服务\\"——在第七届全国新闻专业期刊、新闻媒体研究所年会上的讲活

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在当前全党开展保持共产党员先进性教育活动、全国新闻战线深入持久开展“三项学习教育活动”中,我们召开了这次第七届全国新闻专业期刊、新闻媒体研究所年会。此时召开这个会议,既是总结交流一年来新闻专业期刊、新闻研究所办刊办所经验,也是为了进一步办好期刊和研究所。本届年会的主题是“新闻专业期刊、新闻媒体研究所要落实’三贴近’,做好’三服务’。”十六大以来,以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央要求新闻宣传工作“贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众”。对于新闻专业期刊和新闻媒体研究所来讲,就是要贴近新闻宣传工作的实际,贴近文化体制改革创新的实际,贴近新闻队伍建设的实际。 In the current education campaign to maintain the advanced nature of party members and the deepening and sustained national news and “three learning and education activities,” we held the annual meeting of the Seventh National News Professional Journal and Press and Media Institute. The convening of this meeting at this time is both a summary of the exchange of professional journals over the past year, the Institute of Journalism Office experience, but also to further improve the running of journals and institutes. The theme of this annual conference is “Journalism Professional Journal and Institute of News Media to Implement ’Three Closeness’ and Do a Good Job of ’Three Services.’” Since the 16th CPC National Congress, the party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary has requested press publicity work “Close to reality, close to life, close to the masses ”. For news professional journals and news media institutes, it is necessary to get closer to the reality of press and propaganda work, close to the reality of the reform and innovation of the cultural system, and keep abreast of the actual conditions of the news team.