
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbmaju0813
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目的:早期发现新生儿听力损伤,以便进行早期诊断和干预,促进其正常的言语发育。方法:采用畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)仪器,对新生儿进行听力筛查,未通过初筛者,42天进行听力复筛,复筛仍未通过者3个月在听力诊断中心进行阻抗、听觉脑干诱发电位、畸变产物耳声发射的诊断性检查,确诊为听损失者再进行相关的医学干预。结果:新生儿听力筛查2729例,初筛通过率93%(2538/2729),216例需复筛,实复筛100例,复筛通过率为88%(88/100),最后4例确诊为听损伤。分娩方式、耳别、性别对初筛通过率无明显影响,孕36周、37周初筛通过率明显低于孕38周、39周、40周。结论:呼和浩特地区新生儿听损伤的发病率为1.5‰。 OBJECTIVE: Early detection of neonatal hearing impairment for early diagnosis and intervention, to promote its normal speech development. Methods: Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) instrument was used to screen newborns for hearing screening. Those who failed to pass the screening, 42 days of hearing re-screening, and 3 months after the re-screening failed to pass the impedance test at the hearing diagnostic center, Auditory brainstem evoked potential, distortion product otoacoustic emission diagnostic tests, diagnosed as hearing loss and then carry out the relevant medical intervention. Results: There were 2729 cases of neonatal hearing screening, the initial screening pass rate was 93% (2538/2729), 216 cases needed to be re-screened, 100 cases of real-screen screening, 88% (88/100) Diagnosed as hearing damage. The mode of delivery, ear and gender had no significant effect on the screening rate. The screening rates at 36 weeks and 37 weeks were significantly lower than those of 38 weeks pregnant, 39 weeks and 40 weeks pregnant. Conclusion: The incidence of neonatal hearing impairment in Hohhot is 1.5 ‰.
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