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简·奥斯汀是18世纪英国文坛一颗璀璨的明星,也是那个时代女权主义的代表。作为一个女性作家,简·奥斯汀更关注女性及女性问题,她的小说都以女性为中心人物。《爱玛》被认为是她最成功、最成熟的一部作品,主要揭露了当时女性低下的社会地位,对父权社会是一种抵抗。该文通过对小说故事和两位女主人公性格的分析,阐述简·奥斯汀女权主义意识在其作品《爱玛》中的体现。“,”Jane Austen was a star of English literary in the 18th century, and also was the feminist representative at that time. As a female writer, Jane Austen paid more attention on women and women’s problems;she regarded the females as the center charac-ters. Emma was a book which was considered as the most successful novel by Jane Austen;it chiefly exposes the low social status of women and is a protest of the patriarchal society. This thesis expounds the reflection of Jane Austen ’s Feminism consciousness in her work Emma through analyze the story of the novel and the characters of two protagonists.
该文主要以采用干法双组分磁刷显影(Magnetic Brush Development)的复印机为例讨论底灰产生的原因,重点介绍了显影剂中色粉比例失调的原因及具体处理方法,对维修工作者有一定的帮助。
基于计算机专业英语的课程特点,结合实际教学中的具体情况,探讨了教学中应该注意的问题以及应采取的教学方法,旨在更好地促进计算机专业英语的教学工作。 Based on the char
Sherwood Anderson’s masterpiece Winesburg, Ohio is often considered to be the first real mod American novel.“Hands”and“Adventure”are two representative sto