Noncoding RNAs:Different roles in tumorigenesis

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yfj7874
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A major portion of the mammalian genome is transcribed to produce large numbers of noncoding RNAs(ncRNAs).During the past decade,the discovery of small RNAs,including the microRNAs(miRNA) and small interfering RNAs(siRNA),has led to important advances in biology.The breadth of the ncRNA field of study has substantially expanded and many recent results have revealed a range of functions that can be attributed to the miRNAs and other ncRNAs.For example,H19 RNA,HOTAIR RNA,transcribed ultraconserved regions(T-UCRs),natural antisense RNA,transfer RNA and mitochondrial noncoding RNA have been suggested to play important roles in cancers and other diseases as well as in diverse cellular processes.In this review,we focus on the current status of several classes of ncRNAs associated with cancer with the emphasis on those that are not microRNAs. A major portion of the mammalian genome is transcribed to produce large numbers of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs). During the past decade, the discovery of small RNAs, including the microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), has led to important advances in biology. The breadth of the ncRNA field of study has substantially expanded and many recent results have revealed a range of functions that can be attributed to the miRNAs and other ncRNAs.For example, H19 RNA, HOTAIR RNA, transcribed ultraconserved regions (T- UCRs), natural antisense RNA, transfer RNA and mitochondrial noncoding RNA have been suggested to play important roles in cancers and other diseases as well as in diverse cellular processes. In this review, we focus on the current status of several classes of ncRNAs associated with cancer with the emphasis on those that are not microRNAs.
时间倒流到七年前一个寒风呼啸的冬天。在北京大兴区庞各庄的一幢公寓里,有一位五十来岁的中年男人,已经半个多月没合过眼了。不管白天黑夜,他总是念念有词、神情恍惚,处在精神崩溃的边缘。  “每晚凌晨一两点突然间就一身大汗,被子、褥子全湿透,就再也睡不着。起来楼上楼下溜达。最严重的一次,从电视里学到波导手机——手机中的战斗机这句话,头天晚上一直念叨到第二天早上一宿没睡。”这个被失眠困扰的中年男人叫甘连舫,