Genetic Engineering Cross—specise"Stitching Technique" of Genetic Materials

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  enetic engineering is a new technique developed in the 1970s. Many people also call it as"Biological Engineering". Some regions (such as Taiwan) even call it as "Life Technologies".Humans discovered that we could almost cross specces and accomplish the geneticmodification and transference of any creatures through it. Since its birth, in the few decades, geneticengineering has been widely applied into fields like medicine, agriculture, industry, environment, etc.;showing strong vitality and wide application prospect. It can surely make future life better and better.
  During that year, a bunch of scientists in America for the first time started the vivo gene splicingand promoted the concept of Genetic Engineering. It refers to the process that through a scalpel-likeenzyme, people accurately cut the gene controlling genetic traits within an creature and splice it tothe DNA of another creature body, hence making it of new genetic traits. The process itself is calledas Genetic Engineering. It operates like a systematic engineering, though we can't see the workingenzyme by our eyes, it in deed happens.
  This discovery is quite thrilling because humans can finally cut and splice DNAs. Suppose we cancreate a new creature through the process. How amazing and astonishing it will be!
  Genetic engineering Preempted in Medical Science
  Genetic engineering was firstlyapplied into medical science. Andthe first product of great commercialvalue is the genetically engineeredinsulin.
  It is known to all that diabeticsneed to be regularly injectedwith insulin. The earliestinsulin of human beingswas extracted from thepancreas of animalslike pigs, dogs, etc..The process wasquite bothering and themedicines applied wereexpensive as well. Many peoplemay ask, why we extract insulinfrom animals instead of from ourown bodies? Later, this braveidea was realized through geneticengineering.
  Scientists cloned humaninsulin genes and spliced themto a bacteria or yeast. It canconstantly reproduce and generatemuch more new creatures withhuman insulin inside. Then weextract these human insulinproteins from these creatures, andmake injectable insulin. After thesuccess of this experiment, thistechnique was widely applied. Thebirth of genetically engineeredinsulin brought blessing newsfor diabetics all around the world.Human beings can use cheaperinsulin of more security.
  In addition, geneticengineering is alsoused to producevaccines,which havebeen widelyappliedin medical field. The vaccineproduced by genetic engineering isnot from the entire virus, instead,it is from some protein within it.However, human immune systemwill treat these proteins as the virusitself, and quickly attack it hencecreates antibodies against thevirus.   At present, domestic HepatitisB Vaccines are qenerally made by geneticengineeringmethods. Abunch of factoriesare working on it andwe will produce moregenetically engineered
  vaccines aiming at morekinds of viruses.
  The Brand New "Emancipator",Genetic Anti-cancer Grugs
  In recent years, genetic engineeringpharmaceutical industry developedrapidly, especially in the new-guidedanti-cancer medicine. All over theworld, there are more than 20 kindsof this drug, which are able to treatliver cancer, lung cancer, colorectalcancer, breast cancer. And recently,we even have got skin cancertreatment drugs. Scientists areconcentrating on researching andmaking genetic engineered anti-cancer drugs.
  For example, geneticengineered drug treating lungcancer has made a greatbreakthrough. After being injectedinto the patient's body, it candiscern the cancer cell and kill itwithout hurting other ordinary ones.We call it as genetic engineeringguided drug, since it can targetat cancer cells and shoot them.Replacing traditional methodsby this drug, patients can avoidproblems like hair loss, vomiting,immune system damage, bodilyfunctions weakening, etc..
  At present world, more than 40anti-cancer medicines are withinthe period of clinical trials. We aredelighted to find that human beingsare gradually approaching to thebrand new anti-cancer field, whichmeans we only kill cancer cellswhile not hurting ordinary ones. Itis our conviction that in the futuremedical area, this kind of geneticengineered anti-cancer medicinewill become the new "emancipator"of cancer patients all around theworld.
  I have visited cities likeBeijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou,Wuxi, Guangzhou, Shenzhen,etc., and discovered that plentyof scientists are working day andnight to make experiment on anti-body medicines. They are fightingfor genetic engineered medicinemaking. Since cancer cells are ofdifferent types, each kind need aspecific antibody to recognize it.Consequently, scientists have nochoice but to find and capture themone after another.
  Human beings are legendarybecause when facing diseases, we
  learned to make medicinesagainst them. Facing SARS, wecreated anti-SARS vaccine, andeven the ferocious Ebola virus hasbeen effectively controlled. I believethat with genetic engineering, wewill surely make anti-AIDS vaccinesin the near future.
  Genetic engineering hasbeen effectively applied in medicalfields. In this aspect, the one whodevelops the medical gene, will ownthe patent, hence able to producemedicines, and consequently makegreat social fortune.   Since the entire genesequencing of human beings havebeen completed, the future geneticengineered medicine making willdevelop rapidly and will surelybecome an important area of hightechnology.
  Genetic Engineering and "Green Agriculture"
  At the beginning of the 1980s, I was studying in the USA, andparticipated in the first group otscientists researching on transgenicplants. Since the success of world'sfirst transgenic plant at that time, thistechnique developed rapidly. So far,more than 2 billion mu land over theworld has been filled with-transgenicplants, mainly including soybeanscontaining herbicide-resistant genes,cottons containing anti-bollwormgenes, etc.. This can to a greatidegree reduce pesticide sprayinghence making our agriculture"Greener".
  More than 90% cottons of ourcountry are genetic engineered.Their genes include anti-bollwormtoxin ones, which are able to poisonboll-worms, though proteins of thiskind can only target on a specialtype of pests. Nowadays, most ofthe soybeans in foreign countriesare genetic engineered. Theycontain genes against herbicides,which enable them to stay safe andsound while weeds get killed bythe herbicide. All of these are theapplications of genetic engineeringon agriculture.
  At present agriculture field, theworld's existing genetic engineeredinclude soybeans, corn, wheat,canola, cotton, papaya, etc..Recently, America has justauthorized a kind of transgenicapple. Genetic engineering willcontinue to develop in the futureagriculture, producing geneticengineered crops which are anti-salt, anti-cold, anti-drought andof higher quality. Its future isimmeasurably wide.
  Genetic Engineering Saved the Papayas
  You know what, papayas haveexperienced severe disasters. Yearsago, there appeared a papayarings pot virus, which is similar tohuman AIDS, a quite strange kind.It spreadsvia wormscarrying it.As long asthe wormshave a biteat the papayaor its leaf, the papaya got infected.This virus spreads fast and strong,and rapidly destroyed the papayaindustry in Hawaii.
  Soon, this virus infectedpapayas in Taiwan, then those inHainan. You could see circles ofwhite stripes on papaya leaves atdifferent places, even on thosegreen papayas. Later, greenpapayas went to decay, while theleaves fell one after another...
  At this time came our hero,genetic engineering. Scientistscloned the gene of papaya ringspot virus and transferred it intopapayas, making it able to resistagainst the virus. Since the geneticengineering saved this specie,most of the papayas at the marketare transgenic.   Genetic Engineering in Industrial Fidle
  Nowadays there is a new wordcalled "biomass energy", which is abrand new green energy. It has beencooperated with genetic engineering,making it a new display of theapplication of genetic engineeringon industrial field.
  The so-called "biomassenergy" of genetic engineeringis to make some biomass likeRice straw, corn stover, cassava,sugar cane ferment with effectivebacterium of genetic engineeringand create biomass energy like fuelethanol, etc.. We know that alcoholis a green energy, and it burnswithout making pollution. Brazil isthe world's big sugarcane country,where most vehicles are using fuelethanol produced by sugar-canes,which saved them enormous oilenergy.
  The application of geneticengineering on industrial hasgained great achievements infermenting alcohol. In recentvears it has developedmore and morerapidly. Peoplerecombinantmore suitablegenes intobacteriumhence make thefermenting efficiencyof bacterium higher and higher. Atpresent, the bacterium strains ofthis type is becoming better andbetter.
  In Beihai, Guangxi Province,people built a modern industry,aiming at producing ethanolmade by cassavas. It is investedand established by the COFCO.Guangxi has been able to producehundreds of thousands of tons ofethanol, which are used in localautomobiles, saving great gasolinefor local residents.
  Of course, apart from alcohol,we also produce industrial productslike ether, butanol, etc.. In theindustrial field, genetic engineeringcan make serious of small chemicalproducts as well, which are of greatadded value and are able to createenormous social fortune. It is hardto estimate how far human beingscan march on this road. It is alsoan aspect worth exploring.
  Genetic Engineering Helps Environmental Protection
  At the moment, in environmentalprotection field, genetic engineeringis mainly applied in aspects like citygarbage removal, urban sewagetreatment, etc.. Adding bacteriumof genetic engineering to urbankitchenware residues, theseorganics can be decomposed ofhigher efficiency and excellentquality. While during the process ofurban sewage treatment, there is ahuge pool treating sewage. As longas we put some microorganisms intoit, they can treat the sewage andpurify the water more effectively.
  To which degree theapplication of genetic engineeringon future environmental protectionwill be? It will doubtlesslyproduce bacterium of higher heatresistance and efficiency becausethe higher the temperature is,the more effectively bacteriumcan decompose urban garbageand sewage. In a word, it worthresearching and developing viagenetic engineering in order tohelp us improve the efficiency ofenvironmental protection.
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