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桂花巷有一套与桂花有关的语言。桂花开放的时节,桂花巷出奇地静,所有的居民都默契,好像一齐腾出这个宁静,让桂花尽情地开放。我们桂花巷,姑娘们把出嫁说成是桂花香了。桂花巷里的姑娘,总喜爱选择桂花开的季节出嫁,到了中秋就是出嫁的高峰。桂花便成了出嫁姑娘的统称,许多姑娘的名字也都与桂花沾边。艾城这个窄窄短短的桂花巷,有名气的是姑娘,居住在巷子里的居民颇为自豪。因为,都说桂花巷出美女。我倒看不出桂花巷的姑娘比艾城其他街巷姑娘漂亮多少,只是,桂花巷的女孩在其他地方上学或工作,或聚会,大家分辨得出,说:你家在桂花巷吧?凭什么猜定姑娘家在桂花巷呢?小伙子鼻子灵 Osmanthus Lane has a set of osmanthus-related language. Osmanthus opening season, sweet-scented osmanthus alley quietly, all residents are tacit understanding, as if together to make this quiet, so osmanthus enjoyable to open. Osmanthus Lane we, the girls marry it as sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance. Osmanthus alley Lane girl, the total choice of sweet-scented osmanthus open the season to marry, to the Mid-Autumn Festival is married to the peak. Osmanthus has become the general name of married girls, many girls are also the name of Osmanthus detached edge. Ai Cheng narrow the narrow osmanthus Lane, famous is the girl, residents living in the alley quite proud. Because, say osmanthus alley beauty. I can not see Osmanthus Lane girls than the other streets of the city of Alimentian pretty much, but Osmanthus Lane girls go to school or work elsewhere, or party, we distinguish come to say: your home in Osmanthus Alley? What guess girl home in osmanthus lane it?
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造成中学生写作水平不高的原因有许多,但关键原因是写作题材枯竭。因此引导学生观察社会,思考生活,借鉴范文,读写结合,是解决学生写作“无米之炊”的重要途径。 There are m