Western Cuisine and Dining Customs in Desperate Housewives

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  【Abstract】A colorful food world was presented in Desperate Housewives. This paper takes it as an example to study western food culture from two aspects, cuisine styles and dining customs.
  【Key words】Western food culture;Cuisine styles, Dining customs
  【作者簡介】丁娟, 河北内丘人,天津旅游外事职业学校, 英语语言文学硕士, 天津旅游外事职业学校英语教师。
  There is a picture in the opening of Desperate Housewives, apple and snake. The story coming from the Bible tells people not to pursue food by their desire. However, food is God for people. This paper takes Desperate Housewives as an example to study western food culture from two aspects, cuisine styles and dining customs.
  1. Western Cuisine Styles
  From the perspective of nature and food, the four heroines represent one dish each. Gabrielle, who has hot figure, bold personality and high-profile style, is paella which she took to the memorial party of Mary Alice. Bree is an ostensible model of the perfect housewife. She is the ironic incarnation of osso buco which she spent three hours on but got an indifferent answer “It’s OK” from. Lynette wanders in her family and career. Such a feminist is well-matched with bratwurst with sweet and sour cabbage. Susan, an uncomplicated beauty but stumbling in love, is macaroni and cheese which appeared in almost all her moments embodying her innocence, clumsiness and even destiny. In view of geographical factors, the four families represent diverse regional dietary styles.
  Italian food can be regarded as the origin of western food. Italy has rich and high-quality food materials.That’s why the flavor of its cuisine is always original and fresh. Italian food is also well-known for pasta and pizza. Lynette and Tom usually prepare spaghetti for their family in daily diet. Once they ran a pizza parlour where Lynette tasted ravioli. The classical Italian delicacy brought her an ineffable experience with Rick.
  French cuisine is out of question the king of western food. It strives for innovation and excellence. It emphasizes order and taste. Elegant and elaborate decorations are its magnificent dressing. Bree is the spokeswoman for French food. In the morning, she baked croissant for her son. In the private gathering, she made canape for her neighbors. In the wedding ceremony, she designed croquembouche for her client.
  American cuisine is an upstart of western food. It’s popular with the public because it’s simple, fast and comprehensive. Susan isn’t skilled at cooking. She usually asks for help from Bree, orders takeouts or dines out. Even so, she couldn’t stop loving American food. She enjoys steak with her love in a fancy restaurant. She shares a homemade mincemeat pie with her neighbor.   Mexican cuisine ,famous for its spicy flavor and florid colors, is the minority of western food. Both Gabrielle and Carlos are Latino Americans making Nachos, tamale and enchilada common on their dining table. Besides, their biological daughter who was mistaken by another family has the same passion for Mexican food. It’s definitely not a coincidence.
  2. Western Dining Customs
  Westerners believe that the best realm of diet is individuality. Each dish is a combination of quantity, separable and restorable. The true essence of it is independence. It’s good at using patterns and formats with strong practicability, little waste and few sanitary problems.
  The layout of western dinner takes the order of appetizer, soup, salad, main course and dessert. Shrimp cocktail is a classical appetizer. Bree’s young boyfriend Keith put the proposal ring in it. Borscht is an unforgettable soup. Preston’s Russian girlfriend Irene splashed it on Lynette’s face. Beef stew is full of mercy. Susan took care of Paul Young by making it on her own. Pineapple upside down cake costs a great deal of endeavor. Gabrielle made it by phone instructions from Bree.
  The dining table is the only place where the first hour is never dull. Western dining patterns are somehow entertaining including brunch, buffet, pot lock and progressive dinner. In the first season pot luck was presented while progressive dinner appeared in the last season. The two distinctive dining ways are echoing each other in front and behind.
  Life can not be separated from good food and it is inseparable from good wine.The need for wine in western dining table is beyond imagination. There are so many kinds of wine, distilled wine, blending wine and brewing wine. Gabrielle often shares Margarita with Susan and Lynette.
  Western food culture which is innovative and fabulous is closely related to westerners’ ideology of belief in Christianity. At the end Susan and his son picked up a bottle of plum jam and threw it against the wall with anger and sorrow. People use food to vent all their emotions. Above all, food is the staff of life.
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【摘要】很多大学生对于英语学习充满畏难情绪,本文就英语输出的具体形式口语和写作方面,提出几点可操作性强的建议。  【关键词】英语口语;写作;思维  【作者简介】郜妮(1990.02-),女,山西大同人,硕士,陆军装甲兵学院助教,研究方向:英语语言文学和英语教学;姜天元,陆军装甲兵学院;朱娜,陆军装甲兵学院。  很多学生一听到英语大有谈虎色变之意:背不完的单词、做不完的阅读、听不懂的“鸟语”。其实任
【摘要】纽马克将交际翻译定义为: 试图使读者阅读译文所得到的效果尽可能接近原文读者阅读原文得到的效果。交际翻译更看重的是译文的读者,以及作者的意图。它试图更能适应读者,使原作文化内容更能让读者接受。本文在交际翻译理论的指导下,对科幻小说翻译进行研究。以刘宇昆的《三体》英译本为案例,进行文本细读。以期探析出译者采取什么翻译策略使得《三体》英译本获得海外读者的喜爱,并且从《三体》的成功翻译给我们带来了
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【摘要】全球经济和文化正迈着前所未有的步伐阔步向前,新课改和素质教育都对初中英语教学提出了新的要求。自然拼读法对英语词汇教学有着重要的辅助作用。  【关键词】自然拼读法;字母组合;词汇  【作者简介】黄榕榕,福建省漳州立人学校。  时代发展的齿轮悠悠不停旋转,全球经济和文化正迈着前所未有的步伐阔步向前。在这样的国际背景下,新课改和素质教育都对初中英语教学提出了新的要求。  词汇是语言学习三要素中最
【摘要】输出假设理论对我国外语教学的影响深远,特别是对高校英语阅读教学有着重要的指导作用,本文在分析当前外语阅读教学效率低下现状的基础上,提出利用输出理论优化英语阅读教學模式的策略,并结合当前网络技术的发展对输出假设理论进行优化。  【关键词】高校英语教学;阅读教学;教学模式;优化策略  【作者简介】段新和(1979.1- ),男,湖北英山县人,硕士,湖北工业大学外国语学院副教授,研究方向:英语语
【摘要】学习共同体的核心是保障所有学生获得高质量学习机会的课堂。佐藤学先生是学习共同体的首倡者,并为此进行了数十年的努力。受其启发,我校利用与加拿大合作项目,首先在中加实验班开展中外教师在英语教学中的尝试,用行动将学习共同体的远景变成现实。  【关键词】学习共同体;无字绘本阅读  【作者简介】彭琼枝,深圳市龙华区丹堤实验学校。  一、什么是学习共同体  “学习共同体”中包含了两个关键词,即“共同体