践行“五大发展理念” 推动县域经济跨越发展

来源 :中国领导科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leux
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县一级受不同方面因素制约,要实现创新发展,必须结合实际,坚持创新发展理念,加快推动产业转型升级。坚持协调发展理念,统筹好城乡、区域和产业协调发展;坚持绿色发展理念,对环境治理、资源利用和生态保护,综合施策、标本兼治;坚持开放发展理念,对外开放、借力发展,内外联动实现后发赶超;坚持共享发展理念,让发展成果更多更公平地惠及人民群众,维护社会公平正义。 County level subject to different aspects and constraints, to achieve innovation and development, we must combine reality, adhere to the concept of innovation and development, and accelerate the industrial restructuring and upgrading. Adhere to the concept of coordinated development, co-ordinate the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, regions and industries; adhere to the concept of green development, environmental governance, resource utilization and ecological protection, comprehensive policy and tackling both root and root causes; adhere to the concept of open development, opening up, leveraging development, internal and external linkage After the realization of the catch-up; adhere to the concept of shared development, so that more and more achievements in development to benefit the people and safeguard social fairness and justice.
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Based on 17 AMS 14 C age data,we reconstructed high-resolution records of sea surface primary productivity(PP) in the southern Okinawa Trough(MD05-2908) over th
利用有限元模拟软件Pro Cast对球铁铸造工艺进行模拟分析,通过对其凝固过程和缩松缩孔分布趋势的分析,优化改进内浇道尺寸。通过模拟分析后发现,将内浇道的厚度由原先的8 mm
美国波多黎各大学Merca-do的两项Meta分析结果提示,哮喘可能是肺癌的危险因素之一。作者对17项高质量病例对照研究进行分析,共入组54238 Two meta-analyzes of Merca-do at
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Global mean sea level(GMSL) has not only significant secular trend and seasonal variations,but also inter-annual and decadal variations.This paper reconstructs
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