北伐名将叶挺,名震华夏大地,他参加领导过南昌起义和广州起义,是中国人民解放军创建人之一。 1937年10月就任新四军军长领导抗战。毛泽东曾高度赞扬他“领导抗敌,卓著勋劳”。1941年1月6日指晓,在国民党顽固派发动的皖南事变中,他率部浴血奋战七天七夜。1月14日黄昏,受中共中央东南分局副书记饶漱石委派,下山与国民党军事当局谈判被扣押,羁押在上饶集中营李村监狱。从1月17日入狱,至8月转押往重庆,长达7个多月。期间,将军威武不屈,正气凛然,与顽固派展开了一场正义与邪恶、灵魂与肉体的生死决斗,谱写了一曲人生正气歌。
Northern Expedition star Ye Ting, Ming Zhen Huaxia earth, he participated in leading the Nanchang Uprising and Guangzhou Uprising, is one of the founding members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. In 1937 October as the army commander of the New Fourth led the war. Mao Tse-tung highly praised him for “leading the enemy and outstanding work of honor.” On January 6, 1941, he pointed out that in the southern Anhui incident launched by the diehards of the Kuomintang, he took part in a bloody struggle for seven days and nights. On the evening of January 14, the delegation was assigned by Rao Shouchu, deputy secretary of the Southeast Branch of the CPC Central Committee. He was held in talks with the KMT military authorities and detained in Licun prison, a concentration camp in Shangrao. From January 17 imprisonment, transfer to Chongqing in August, up to more than 7 months. During this period, the generals were unyielding, righteous and awe-inspiring. They started a battle of life and death between justice and evil, soul and body with the die-hards and wrote a song of life righteousness.