借势而上 焕发工会活力

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北京市工会工作会议的召开是北京市工会发展史上的一件大事,具有重要的现实意义和深远意义,为工会工作迎来了一个新的发展机遇。会议下发的《中共北京市委关于加强和改进工会工作的意见》就加强和改进工会工作的重要意义、指导思想基本方针、目标任务、具体措施、外部环境、组织保障等一系列问题做出了深刻阐述,提出了明确要求。认真学习、全面贯彻北京市工会工作会议精神已经成为了各级工会组织工作的重点,也引起了各级工会组织和工会干部的热烈反响。为了进一步创新工会工作思路,焕发工会组织活力,向北京市工会第十二次代表大会献礼,部分区县局总公司的工会主席结合各自工作实际,畅谈他们贯彻落实北京市工会工作会议精神的情况,对新一年的工会工作进行了展望 The convening of the Beijing Trade Union Working Meeting is a major event in the history of the development of Beijing’s trade unions. It has an important practical significance and far-reaching significance and ushers in a new opportunity for the development of trade unions. The “Opinions of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee on Strengthening and Improving Trade Union Work” issued by the meeting made a series of questions on the importance of strengthening and improving the work of trade unions, the basic guiding ideology, objectives and tasks, specific measures, the external environment, and organizational guarantees Profoundly elaborated, made a clear request. Conscientiously studying and thoroughly implementing the spirit of the Beijing Trade Union Work Meeting has become the focus of the work of trade unions at all levels. It has also aroused enthusiastic responses from trade union organizations and trade union cadres at all levels. In order to further innovate the thinking of trade unions, rejuvenate the vitality of trade unions and offer their gratitude to the twelfth Congress of Beijing Municipal Trade Unions. Some of the union leaders of the head office of county offices combined with their actual work, talked about their implementation of the spirit of the Beijing Trade Union Work Conference , Made a forecast on the work of the trade union in the new year
从去年11月份起进行的全省档案岗位培训评估工作至今年8月份止,已圆满结束,并取得好成绩。 这次评估工作是根据湘档[1992]7号文件的部署,严格依照《湖南省档案人员岗位培训
昨天,在老家开饭店的王小突然跑到城里,拿了一万多元钱,要我帮他进服装,一下 Yesterday, Wang Xiao in the old hotel suddenly ran to the city, took more than ten thou
瘟神肆虐,叹、势头特猛,伊(注)不畏缩。咳嗽高烧,呼吸困难,邪恶入肺打劫。无烟战斗今敲响,严控制、飞沫传播。隔离室、救死扶伤,誓把病魔封锁。 白衣天使沉着,学南丁格尔,昼