
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:venicego
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【目的和方法】以新高粱3号、4号为材料,采用直立、去叶去穗直立、平放、截成短秆捆扎堆放为一层、二层、三层、四层、五层、金字塔型八种贮藏方式,对其166 d贮藏期间的重量、锤度、温度、发霉程度等性状进行研究。【结果】新高粱3号、4号直立贮存、去叶去穗直立贮存、平放贮存效果较好,重量减少幅度较少,锤度增加较多,新高粱3号重量分别减少为41.6%、50.5%、65.6%,锤度分别增加18.1%、29.4%、13.4%,新高粱4号重量分别减少为68.8%、69.3%、72.2%,锤度分别增加42.7%、23.1%、29.5%,操作简单易行,而且基本无发霉。【结论】同一品种不同贮藏方式性状变化不同,不同品种同一贮藏方式各性状也表现不同,甜高粱在近半年的贮存过程中,茎秆重量呈减少趋势,含糖锤度呈增加趋势,不同贮存方式重量减少幅度和锤度增加幅度不同。 【Objective and Method】 With the new sorghum No.3 and No.4 as material, the plants were erect and the leaves were cut and erect, flattened and cut into short staves and stacked for one, two, three, four, five, Pyramid eight kinds of storage methods, the 166 d storage period weight, brix, temperature, moldy and other traits. 【Result】 The results showed that the new sorghum No.3 and No.4 were uprightly stored and removed from the leaves for upright storage. The results showed that the new sorghum No.3 and No.4 were stored upright and stored horizontally, with less weight loss and more brix. The weight of new sorghum 3 was reduced to 41.6% 50.5% and 65.6% respectively. The brix increased by 18.1%, 29.4% and 13.4% respectively. The weight of new sorghum 4 decreased to 68.8%, 69.3% and 72.2% respectively, and the brix increased by 42.7%, 23.1% and 29.5% Simple, and basically moldy. 【Conclusion】 The changes of traits of different storage ways of the same variety were different. The characters of different storage ways of different varieties also showed different performance. During the storage of sweet sorghum in the past six months, the weight of the stalks decreased, the sugar content increased, Mode weight reduction and bimodal increase in amplitude is different.
我院于2008-03救治了巨大神经纤维瘤囊内出血致休克患者1例,成功切除巨大神经纤维瘤.由于手术重大,护理过程细致而且复杂,患者预后良好.护理体会如下.rn1 病历摘要rn女,42岁.
目的:探讨达利珠单抗在预防同种肾异体移植术后急性排斥反应的作用.方法:回顾分析了已随访1 a的28例(男性24例,女性4例,年龄32 a±s 5 a)应用2剂达利珠单抗的病人的临床效果,
2009-01-2010-12我科收治妊娠合并重症急性胰腺炎(SAP) 17例,均采取禁食水、抑制胰腺分泌、抗休克、抗感染、纠正低氧血症等非手术治疗,疗效满意.护理体会如下.rn1 临床资料r
目的 探讨对老年开胸手术患者进行呼吸道护理的方法与效果.方法 分析400例老年开胸手术患者的临床资料,对患者的心理、生理作出正确评估,制定相应的围术期呼吸道护理措施.结
南非国防军的数字化士兵项目--"非洲勇士"已于2000年4月正式获得批准。同时,南非陆军成立一个包含国防研究中心在内的、由政府及工业机构的有关部门联合组成的项目小组,开展该项目的研制。  除了和"北约士兵系统"具有相同的5个功能--杀伤性、生存性、机动性、舒适性、指挥与控制--之外,该项目将增加第6个功能:心理适应性。  在机动性方面,该项目将需要一个新的战靴,因为南非国防军现穿用的革制战靴不适应