华南进口气价持续下跌 需求下滑成主因

来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eyoujin
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1月份,华南地区进口气价格指数继续走低。华南进口气价格指数月均值为305.5点,指数环比跌2.3点,跌幅0.75%;指数同比上涨27.2点,涨幅9.7%。造成这种走势的原因主要有以下几点:1.国际油价走高。进入2013年1月,国际油价在供应减少及主要经济体企稳回升等利好因素推动下,整体价格呈上升态势。美国两党在最后时刻就“财政悬崖”问题达成协议,避 In January, the import price index of southern China continued to decline. The monthly average of imported gas price indices in South China was 305.5 points, with the index plunging 2.3 points or 0.75%, while the index rose 27.2 points or 9.7%. The main reasons for this trend are the following: 1. International oil prices higher. Into January 2013, the international oil prices, driven by favorable factors such as reduced supply and the stabilization and recovery of major economies, the overall price is on the rise. The two parties in the United States reached an agreement on the “fiscal cliff” issue at the last minute and avoided it
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