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午后1时,阳光慵懒地透过斑驳的树叶轻抚行人的面庞,阵阵清凉的海风掠过耳际,闲散地沿着佳世客步行街一路蜿蜒走去,发现一家紧挨一家,一字排开或张扬或内敛的店铺,店里云集了大量外贸藏货,尤其是廓形、面料都正点的港版服饰,令人沉醉其间,欲罢不能。细细淘下去,果真惊喜连连。除了外贸良品,这里还有许多时装品牌,虽然在内地不很出名,但都是香港本地设计师的杰作,店老板亲自从香港地区带回来,于是,这条曲线前行的小路,竟是岛城女士们直接通向优雅的最佳捷径。一直渴望到香港SHOPPING又苦于不能成行的人,不妨到漳州一路,小路不长,但慢慢逛下来说不定会满载而归,如同亲历了一番真正的港式血拼。 Afternoon at 1 pm, the sun lazily through mottling leaves caresses the pedestrian’s face, bursts of cool sea breeze passing through the ears, leisurely walk along the road all the way Jusco walk and found one next to a word Dispatch or publicity or introverted shops, the store gathered in a large number of foreign trade goods, especially the profile, fabrics are punctual Hong Kong version of clothing, it is intoxicated, unable to stop. Thin down, really surprise again and again. In addition to foreign trade quality products, there are many fashion brands, although not very famous in the Mainland, but Hong Kong designers are masterpieces, the shop owner personally brought back from Hong Kong, so the curve of the trail, was actually the island City ladies have direct access to the best shortcut to grace. Has been longing for Hong Kong SHOPPING but also suffer from people who can not do, may wish to Zhangzhou all the way, the path is not long, but slowly stroll down maybe even come back, as experienced a real Hong Kong-style shopping.
摘要:随着后浇带的使用范围日益广泛,后浇带的施工问题应引起高度重视。本文结合工作实际,简述了后浇带的主要功能及设置原理,重点对后浇带设计、施工两个方面的技术要点进行了分析。  关键词:房屋;建筑工程;后浇带;施工  Abstract: with the use of the pouring belt wide range, of the pouring belt construction prob
摘要:近年来,由于地质问题引起的水利水电工程事故时有发生,给人民生命财产带来重大损失。本文在探讨了水利水电工程地质勘查问题的基础上,详细探讨了问题存在的根源,最后提出几点有利于水利水电工程地质勘查的对策。  关键词:水利水电;工程地质;勘查  Abstract: in recent years, due to the geological problems caused by the water
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