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坎特伯雷种籽生产的试验表明:1、密植与单株的种籽产量呈强负相关;2、高度密植不能弥补单株的低产;而单株的高产也不能补尝单位面积上单株数目的不足(译者注:要合理密植,即在保证单位面积上总株数的前提下满足单株的个体发育)。在一定的密植范围内,当单位面积种籽产量趋于稳产时才有纯效益,而加大密度不能提高种籽产量。总之,播种量的作用就是提供足够量有活力的种籽,以获得合理的密度。“草原塔码”多花黑麦草,“草原努伊”多年生黑麦草和“草原马突阿”雀麦草适宜的密度分别是300~400株/米~2、100~130株/米~2(进行种籽生产,不考虑施肥的时间,施N肥也能提高种籽产量,但对于施过磷酸钙和钾肥的效价仍有疑义),在坎特伯雷主要是研究N肥的施用时间,并指出,进行种籽生产时施N肥要在拔节初期效果最好。在禾本科草种地上放牧会降低种籽产量,因为放牧间接不良影响了穗的大小和单株种籽重量,在测定种籽产量时证明:穗大、粒重这两因素要比(单位面积上)总穗的数目重要。 Canterbury seed production tests showed that: 1, dense planting and single seed yield was strongly negative correlation; 2, the high density can not make up for the low yield of single plant; and the high yield of single plant can not compensate for the number of plants per unit area (Translator’s Note: To close reasonable density, that is, to ensure that the total number of units per unit area under the premise of the individual to meet the individual development). In a certain range of close planting, when the unit area of ​​seed yield tends to be stable only when the pure benefit, and increase the density can not increase seed yield. In short, the role of seeding is to provide a sufficient amount of dynamic seeds to obtain a reasonable density. The appropriate density of “grassland tower code” pollen ryegrass, perennial ryegrass in “Prairie Nui” and “Broccoli Prairie” were 300-400 plants / m 2,100-130 plants / m 2 For seed production, irrespective of fertilizer application time, application of N fertilizers can also increase seed yield, but there is still doubt as to the potency of calcium phosphate and potash fertilizers applied. In Canterbury, the main focus is on the application of N fertilizer, , When applying N fertilizer for seed production, the effect should be the best in initial stage of jointing. Grass grazing in the grass will reduce the seed yield, because indirect grazing affect the size of the spike and the weight of a single seed, seed yield in the determination of proven: spike, grain weight than the two factors (unit area The total number of spikes is important.
二、玉米 1、丹玉13号:系四川省种子公司1985年从丹东市农科所引进。属中秆中熟(株高239.4厘米,全生育期119天)马齿型。苗期长势强,适应性较好。穗长20.1厘米、穗行数14、行