
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youlanbihai
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Background and purpose: Diffusion- weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging (DWI), and three- dimensional (3D)- time- of- flight (TOF) MR angiography (MRA), are highly sensitive for the early detection of stroke and arterial occlusion. However, only a few studies have evaluated the sensitivity of conventional MR sequences that are usually included in the imaging protocol. The aim of this study was to evaluate interobserver and intertechnique reproducibility of Fluid- Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) sequences for the diagnosis of early brain ischemia and arterial occlusion. Methods: Over a 30- month period, brain MR examinations were performed in 34 patients within 12 hours after stroke onset. Imaging protocol included FLAIR sequences, DWI and 3D TOF MRA. Ten observers including radiologists and neurologists, performed separately a visual interpretation of FLAIR images for the detection of brain ischemia and arterial occlusion seen as an arterial high signal. DWI and 3D TOF MRA were used as reference and interpreted independently by two senior radiologists. Interobserver agreement was assessed for image quality, detectability and conspicuity of lesions whereas intertechnique agreement was only judged for lesion detectability. Results: On FLAIR sequences, interobserver agreement for the detection of brain ischemia and arterial occlusion was excellent (κ =0.81 and 0.87 respectively). The concordance between FLAIR and DWI sequences for the detection of brain ischemia and between FLAIR and 3D TOFMRA for the detection of arterial occlusion were judged as excellent for all observers (κ = 0.91 and 0.89 respectively). Conclusion: Although DWI is the most sensitive technique with which to detect acute stroke, FLAIR imaging may alsobe useful todemonstrate both acute ischemia and arterial occlusion with an excellent interobserver reproducibility. Background and purpose: Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging (DWI), and three-dimensional (3D) -time- of- flight (TOF) MR angiography (MRA), are highly sensitive for the early detection of stroke and arterial occlusion. However, only a few studies have evaluated as sensitivity of conventional MR sequences that are usually included in the imaging protocol. The aim of this study was to evaluate interobserver and intertechnique reproducibility of Fluid- Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) sequences for the diagnosis of early brain ischemia and arterial occlusion. Methods: Over a 30- month period, brain MR examinations were performed in 34 patients within 12 hours after stroke onset. Imaging protocols included FLAIR sequences, DWI and 3D TOF MRA. Ten observers including radiologists and neurologists , performed separately a visual interpretation of FLAIR images for the detection of brain ischemia and arterial occlusion seen as an arterial high signal. DWI and 3D TOF MRA we re used as reference and interpreted independently by two senior radiologists. Interobserver agreement was assessed for image quality, detectability and conspicuity of lesions rather intertechnique agreement was only judged for lesion detectability. Results: On FLAIR sequences, interobserver agreement for the detection of brain ischemia and arterial occlusion was excellent (κ = 0.81 and 0.87 respectively). The concordance between FLAIR and DWI sequences for the detection of brain ischemia and between FLAIR and 3D TOFMRA for the detection of arterial occlusion were judged as excellent for all observers (κ = 0.91 and 0.89 respectively). Conclusion: Although DWI is the most sensitive technique with which to detect acute stroke, FLAIR imaging may also useful to demonstrate both acute ischemia and arterial occlusion with an excellent interobserver reproducibility.
角色体验教育活动是通过创设某个具体的活动情境,让队员通过自主实践活动获得自我体验的一种体验活动形式。在实践过程中,辅导员应注意“四性”。 Character Experience Ed
对90例发病12小时以内的AMI患者,分别给予UK、SK、rt-PA进行溶栓治疗,并辅以肝素、阿司匹林治疗。结果表明,UK组、SK组及rt-PA组的临床血管再通率分别为67.5%、73.3%、85%。并发重度出血率rt-PA组为15%,而另两组为0。 90 AMI pat
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近十年以来,产业中的核心企业纷纷探索依托电子商务平台技术,实现供应链各节点企业的信息共享与战略协同,以改善供应链运行的整体效率。但是,当前的探索和实践忽略了财 In t
【摘要】当前,多媒体教学已成为一种时尚。运用多媒体教学,不仅可优化地理教学的传授方式、激发学生的学习兴趣,也有助于提高课堂教学效率和教学质量。当然,我们也要清醒地认识到, 多媒体技术不是“万能”的,它也存在一些问题和不足, 这就要求在选择教育教学方式与手段时,我们应扬长避短,形成最优化的组合。只有这样,才能使我们的课堂教学发挥最大的作用,才能真正提高学生的整体素质。  【关键词】多媒体技术 地理教
教学内容:苏教国标版小学数学第十册第36-37页。教学目的: 1.使学生经历主动探究分数意义的过程。2.理解分数的意义,能说出一个分数表示的实际意义。3培养学生的自主实践、主