We Need You!

来源 :高中生学习·高二文综版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ITlogileon
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  White clouds gather overhead, flowing lazily in the sky; groups of sheep and cows are grazing on the hillside; in the far distance you can see the outlines of the Sky Mountains; small rivers stretch themselves on the ground, just like a blue silk belt—Do you think this is the paradise? No, you are wrong. It’s Xinjiang, one of the most beautiful places in the world, located in the Northwest of China.
  However, the development of Xinjiang is far behind other provinces in China. Many children can’t go to school to get normal education because the schools in Xinjiang lack teachers. Such a beautiful place is still falling behind other districts in many aspects, isn’t it distressing? And don’t you feel like doing something to help those poor children?
  Here is an opportunity for you to do something. We need several English teachers to teach high school students. You may think that you won’t be accustomed to the new life there, but I can pledge that you will be deeply attracted by the great environment and the beautiful view as soon as you arrive in Xinjiang. What’s more, the students there are looking forward to your coming, eager to see you teach them English. Xiao Ming, a Grade 2 student, says, “I really want to see my new English teacher. I love English very much, but as our school lacks English teachers, I have to learn it by myself. And now I’m extremely eager to have an English teacher to help with my study.”
  So you see, the people in Xinjiang need you, the development of Xinjiang needs you, your nation needs you, and our socialism modernization needs you. Your one little step will be a big step of our whole country. We need your contribution! Don’t hesitate; just make your decision. We, and 20,000,000 people of Xinjiang are waiting for you!
  学完人教版高三第三册第十五单元Popular Youth Culture的课文Young Volunteers 后, 同学们为志愿者的奉献精神所感动,认识到做一名志愿者不仅仅对他人有帮助,同时也促进了自己各方面的成长。但最重要的是:赠人玫瑰,手留余香。帮助他人才是做志愿者最大的快乐!根据这篇课文中所渗透的情感、态度和价值观,我给同学们布置了一篇作文,要求他们说服老师,不要犹豫,克服困难,去新疆支教。这里选取一篇句型、词汇运用准确,行文流畅,语言地道,构思独特的文章,和大家分享。
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