加强设备管理 为国民经济建设作出新贡献——迎接《设备管理条例》发布六周年

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加强设备管理,为国民经济建设服务,这是有关政府经济管理部门和企业领导的重要职责,也是全国广大设备管理工作者的光荣使命。党和国家领导人历来重视设备管理工作在国民经济建设中的地位和作用,对设备管理工作有许多重要指示。1987年7月28日国务院发布的《全民所有制工业交通企业设备管理条例》,是我国建国以来设备管理工作的经验总结和重要发展,标志着我国设备管理工作正式纳入法制轨道。《设备管理条例》发布六年来,在党和国家领导人的关怀下,不断深入贯彻,对促进设备管理工作的改革、提高设备管理现代化水平、提高企业产品质量和经济效益、促进国民经济发展起到了积极作用。当前,全国处在深入贯彻党的十四大精神,转换企业经营机制,建立社会主义市场经济体制的重要变革时期,继续贯彻《设备管理条例》被赋予了新的重要意义。 李鹏总理在“致第三次全国设备管理工作会议的“贺信”中明确指示:“在当前转换企业经营机制过程中,要继续落实《全民所有制工业交通企业设备管理条例》 Strengthening equipment management and serving the construction of the national economy is an important responsibility of the government’s economic management department and business leaders. It is also the glorious mission of the country’s vast equipment management workers. The party and state leaders have always attached importance to the status and role of equipment management in the national economic construction, and there are many important instructions for equipment management. The “Regulations on the Management of Equipment for All-Ownership Industrial Transport Enterprises” promulgated by the State Council on July 28, 1987 is an experience summary and an important development of the equipment management work since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, indicating that China’s equipment management work has been formally included in the legal system. In the six years since the issuance of the “Regulations for the Management of Equipment,” the leaders of the country and the country have continued to implement them in a deep-going manner. They have promoted the reform of equipment management, improved the modernization of equipment management, improved product quality and economic efficiency, and promoted the development of the national economy. Positive effect. At present, the country is deeply embodying the spirit of the Party’s 14th National Congress, transforming its operating mechanism, and establishing a socialist market economic system. During this important period of reform, the continued implementation of the “Regulations on Equipment Management” has been given new significance. Premier Li Peng clearly stated in his “Congratulatory Letter to the Third National Equipment Management Conference”: “In the current process of transforming the company’s operating mechanism, it is necessary to continue to implement the ”Regulations for the Equipment Management of State-owned Industrial Transport Enterprises".
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