秋来商读聚春城 醇酒佳肴话情浓

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创富会员报2014年第10期(总第130期)金色麦浪飘香,山上叶红叶黄。又到这收获的时节,又到这相聚的时刻,拉住久违的手,端起斟满的酒,今天让我相聚在这北方美丽深邃的秋。八年,中国抗战胜利卫国卫土;八年,读者节成功铸就诚信品牌;八年,是一个成长的过程;八年,更是一个见证的过程;在这八年里,无数的读者完成了从创业者到成功老板的转变,无数的项目经过市场的层层检验,八年,对 Create wealth member reported in 2014 No. 10 (total 130) golden wheat fragrance, yellow leaves on the mountain leaves. Again to this harvest season, but also to this time together, pull back the hand of a long absence, filled with wine filled, today I get together in the beautiful north of the deep autumn. In eight years, the victory of China in defending the country was defending the country. In the past eight years, the Readers’ Day successfully created the brand of honesty. In eight years, it was a process of growth. In eight years, it was a witness process. In these eight years, countless readers completed From the entrepreneur to the successful boss of the transformation, countless projects after the layers of testing the market, eight years, right
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