Study on generation mechanism of anomalous acoustic-gravity waves before the 2011 Beijing earthquake

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zoey12
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Observation results of abnormal acoustic-gravity waves before a Beijing earthquake(M_L=3.0) are presented.During this period,abnormalities of earth surface tilt variations were also recorded.The cross-correlations between the both values are high,which reach maximal values of 0.5 in the area close to the epicenter.The correlations decrease with increasing distances from the epicenter.It was proposed that generation of the anomalous waves may be associated with the pressure and wind perturbations in the air flow caused by slowly shaking mountains during slow surface motion preceding the earthquake in Beijing.Based on the wind velocity data taken from a 350 m meteorological tower in Beijing,the propagation of ducted acoustic-gravity waves in a two-layer model of the atmosphere was numerically simulated.It is shown that characteristic periods,amplitudes and velocities of the simulated phases which were assumed from non-stationary air flow relative to mountains are approximate to the observed phases.A consistency between the simulated results and observation data indicates that a slow surface motion may be a possible source of the anomalous acoustic-gravity waves observed prior to the earthquake. Observation results of abnormal acoustic-gravity waves before a Beijing earthquake (M_L = 3.0) are presented. During this period, abnormalities of earth surface tilt variations were also recorded. The cross-correlations between the two values ​​are high, which reach maximal values ​​of 0.5 in the area close to the epicenter.The correlations decrease with increasing distances from the epicenter. It was proposed that generation of the anomalous waves may be associated with the pressure and wind perturbations in the air flow caused by slowly shaking mountains during slow surface motion preceding the earthquake in Beijing. Based on the wind velocity data taken from a 350 m meteorological tower in Beijing, the propagation of ducted acoustic-gravity waves in a two-layer model of the atmosphere was numerically simulated. It is shown that characteristic periods, amplitudes and velocities of the simulated phases which were assumed from non-stationary air flow relative to mountains are approximate to the obser ved phases. A consistency between the simulated results and observation data indicates that a slow surface motion may be a possible source of the anomalous acoustic-gravity waves observed prior to the earthquake.
[关键词]多元文化教育,创新性,合理性,局限性  [中图分类号]K7 G4 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]0457—6241(2007)06—0079—03    多元文化教育对于弱势群体而言,“既是一种诱人的承诺,又是一种拖延已久的兑现”,“多元文化教育似乎已经成为人人终将各得其所的代名词”。20世纪60至80年代,美国多元文化教育的蓬勃发展,充分表明了其适时存在的意义所在,然而90年代它就
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