High temperature creep behavior of in-situ synthesized MoSi_2-30%SiC composite

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong576
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The compressive creep behavior at 1?200 ~ 1?400?℃ of an in situ synthesized MoSi 2 30%SiC (volume fraction) composite and a traditional PM MoSi 2 30%SiC (volume fraction) composite is investigated. The creep rate of the in situ synthesized MoSi 2 30%SiC (volume fraction) composite is about 10 -7 s -1 under stress of 60 ~ 120?MPa, and significantly lower than that made by PM method above 1?300?℃. The reason is that the interface between SiC particle and MoSi 2 matrix in in situ synthesized SiC p/MoSi 2 is of direct atomic bonding without any amorphous glassy phase, such as SiO 2 structure. Creep deformation occurs primarily by dislocation motion and the dislocations have Burgers vectors of the type of <110> and <100>. The compressive creep behavior at 1? 200? 1? 400? C of an in situ synthesized MoSi 2 30% SiC (volume fraction) composite and a traditional PM MoSi 2 30% SiC the in situ synthesized MoSi 2 30% SiC (volume fraction) composite is about 10 -7 s -1 under stress of 60~120 MPa, and significantly lower than that made by PM method above 1~300 ° C. The reason is that the interface between SiC particle and MoSi 2 matrix in situ synthesized SiC p / MoSi 2 is of direct atomic bonding without any amorphous glassy phase, such as SiO 2 structure. Creepvolution of claim by by dislocation motion and the dislocations have Burgers vectors of the type of <110> and <100>.
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■案例载于《最高人民法院公报》2009年第7期【案情】原告:翁立克。被告:上海浦东伊维燃油喷射有限公司(以下简称伊维公司)。被告:上海柴油机股份有限公 ■ Case is contain
1.题目:(2009年山东高考卷·理20)等比数列{a_n}的前n项和为S_n,已知对任意的n∈N~*,点(n,S_n)均在函数y=b~x+r(b>0且b≠1,b,r均为常数)的图像上. 1. Title: For the first
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