
来源 :甜菜糖业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenminer
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本期刊载了邵金旺等三同志的一篇研究论文。他们谈到内蒙地区的甜菜生育代谢的规律及其与低产低糖的关系的一些看法。我国甜菜产区辽阔,自然条件又极其复杂,存在问题是多种多样的。因此,希望广大科技工作者根据当地的条件和甜菜生育特点,提出自己的看法,以便找出我国甜菜生产中的共性问题和地区性问题,促进甜菜事业的发展。本文从甜菜生育代谢的角度,研究和分析了我区甜菜单产低、含糖率下降的生理原因及解决途径。闸明了甜菜块根增长、糖分累积与其叶面积、干物质积累、生长中心转移、植株体内糖份分配、氮代谢和核酸含量变化的规律和相互关系,并总结了亩产4000斤以上的甜菜的生理参考指标,为合理的栽培技术措施以及夺取丰产高糖提供了理论基础。 This issue contains a research paper by three comrades such as Shao Jinwang. They talked about the law of sugarbeet fertility and metabolism in Inner Mongolia and some of its relations with low yield and low sugar. China’s vast beet production areas, natural conditions and extremely complicated, there are many problems. Therefore, it is hoped that scientific and technological workers will put forward their own views according to the local conditions and the characteristics of the growth of beet in order to find out the common problems and regional problems in the production of beet in our country and promote the development of the beet career. In this paper, from the perspective of the reproductive metabolism of sugar beet, we studied and analyzed the physiological causes and solutions to the problem of low sugar beet yield in our region. The results showed that the growth of beet root, the accumulation of sugar and its leaf area, the accumulation of dry matter, the growth center transfer, the distribution of sugar in plant, the changes of nitrogen metabolism and nucleic acid content were explained. And the physiological characteristics of beet Reference indicators for the rational cultivation techniques and measures to seize high yield and high sugar provides a theoretical basis.
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0前言宣化钢铁集团公司第一炼铁厂2号高炉的高炉鼓风机设备采用陕西鼓风机厂生产的AV40-10型轴流压缩机,整个高炉鼓风的控制系统采用美国GE Fanuc公司的GE 90-30控制系统,本