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事情发生在4002年。早晨,我正在写作业,妈妈从外买菜回来,喃喃地说“:唉,机器人又闹事了。”在经济与科技发达的41世纪,机器人泛滥,并具有和人类相差无几的思维能力。近几年,机器人为得到与人类的平等地位而战,到处制造恐怖事件,引起了人类的极度恐慌。人类开始大力搜捕、销毁 It happened in 4002. In the morning, I was doing my homework. My mother came back to buy food and murmured: “Hey, the robot is going to make trouble again.” In the 41st century when the economy and technology developed, robots were rampant and they had the same thinking ability as humans. In recent years, robots have fought for equal status with humans, creating terrorist incidents everywhere and causing human panic. Humans began their search and destruction
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自私的食蜂鸟父亲    在我们眼中,所有的父母对子女的爱都是无私的,是伟大的,这里却不得不提起一种自私的父母——食蜂鸟,这是一种生长在肯尼亚,专吃白腹蜂的小鸟。  食蜂鸟之间的关系非常暴虐残忍,一只雄鸟刚刚和一只雌鸟结婚了,雌鸟准备在温暖的巢穴里过上自己独立的家庭生活。可是,雄鸟的父母却不厌其烦的跑过来,不惜一切代价拆散这对鸳鸯。它们会用非常宽厚而狡猾、机巧而圆滑的办法来实现这个目标,常常会让自己
物理课上,老师出了这样一道题:给你一个电源,两个灯泡,两个开关,怎样连接,能用一个开关控制一个灯泡,用另一个开关同时控制 In the physics class, the teacher asked this q
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