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驿站是古代国家军事交通的重要组成部分,其主要职能是传递紧急军政公文和信息,并为军政公务人员的出行提供食宿和交通工具的服务。驿站源于秦汉时期军事上的驿骑,由专人骑马传递军事命令和其他重要信息,内地的驿骑设在当时主要交通机构“置”下,边境地区则设于“烽”和“燧”等军事机构下。西汉中期以后,出于对外战争和加强中央集权的需要,“置”逐渐成为国家的主要交通机构,其安全、高效和快捷的驿骑得到了充分的发展。魏晋南北朝时期,军阀割据混战,国家对驿骑的广泛使用使其独立发展成为驿站,并逐渐成为国家主要的军事交通机构,由此军事化的驿站管理体制和驿站法律制度也开始形成。在继承前代交通和驿站法律制度的基础上,唐代定型了中国古代驿站法律制度的基本内容,其所确立的驿站军事化管理体制和法制内容一直沿用到清末。 Inn is an important part of ancient military transportation in the country. Its main function is to deliver official military documents and information and to provide boarding and transport services for military and civilian officials. The station originated from military post on the Qin and Han dynasties. It delivered military orders and other important information by hand and by horsemanship. The station was set up under the “main transportation agency” at the time and the border area was set at “Feng” and “ ”Sui “ and other military agencies. After the middle Western Han Dynasty, out of the need of foreign wars and strengthening centralization of power, ”home " has gradually become the country's main transportation agency, and its safe, efficient and efficient relay station has been fully developed. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the warlords were divided and melee. The extensive use of relay racks by the state made it an independent station and became the country's major military transport agency. Thus, the militarized station management system and post legal system began to take shape. On the basis of inheriting the legal system of the traffic and post of the former generation, the Tang Dynasty set the basic content of the legal system of the ancient post in China. The established militarized management system of the post and the contents of the legal system have been used in the late Qing Dynasty.
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