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一那晚林宏大哥将电话打在了吴钩的手机上。大致的意思是,小雅要结婚了,让我们回去参加婚礼。大哥这样要求我们,似乎很不好意思,还和吴钩解释了半天。说小威结婚时就想告诉我们,怕给我们添麻烦。现在人老了,感觉念旧,再不找机会聚聚,恐怕到死都看不着了。他说,希望趁这个机会,你和简慧带着孩子都能来,我们真的很想你们。连小雅都说,告诉吴叔简婶,叫他们来,不叫他们上礼就是了。我是他们俩拉扯大的,结婚了,没有他们,我心里遗憾。林宏大哥的这种解释,很让吴钩心里过不去。参加婚礼的这种事情,本来就是让主家两头抹不开的事情。一头觉得告诉你了, That night Lin Hong brother phone call hit the hook on the phone. The general idea is that Xiaoya to get married, let us go back and join the wedding. Big Brother asked us this, it seems very embarrassed, but also explained a long time and Wu hook. Said Williams wanted to tell us when they were married, afraid to give us trouble. Now people are old, feeling old, never looking for an opportunity to gather, I am afraid to die are invisible. He said he hopes to take this opportunity, you and Jane Hui with children can come, we really miss you. Even Xiaoya said, tell Wu Shu Jane Aunt, tell them to come, do not ask them to attend the ceremony. I was the two of them pulled big, married, without them, my heart regret. Lin Hong brother’s interpretation of this, it makes Wu hook heart get away. This kind of thing to attend the wedding, has always been to make the two sides of the main house can not be undone. I feel like telling you