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多克托罗连获两项大奖2月21日,美国笔会福克纳基金会宣布,75岁的美国作家E.L.多克托罗凭借历史小说《进军》获得2006年度美国笔会福克纳小说奖。1990年,多克托罗曾以小说《义胆风云》首次获得笔会福克纳小说奖。《进军》是一部以美国南北战争期间北方统帅谢尔曼将军最后一战为背景的历史小说。《进军》不失公正地批评了谢尔曼将军在内战期间的“焦土政策”。稍后《进军》再次获得美国文学界另一项大奖——美国国家书评奖最佳小说奖。多克托罗是美国当代最重要的作家之一,也是美国各大文学奖项的常客,曾多次获得普利策奖和国家图书奖。对于连获大奖,多克托罗表示,“这些年来我一直怀疑文学奖对文学是否有帮助,但我发现我还是抵御不了获奖的诱惑。” Doktorro won even two awards On February 21st, the Foleac Foundation in the United States announced the 75-year-old American writer E. L. With his historical novels, “Entering,” Duoc Toto won the 2006 FOP Award for Faulkner Novels. In 1990, Duck Toro was the novel “boldness of courage” for the first time won the Penghu Faulkner novel award. “Entering” is a historical novel based on the last battle of General Sherman of North China during the American Civil War. “Marching” fairly and impartially criticized General Sherman’s “scorched earth policy” during the civil war. Later “march” once again won another award in American literature - American National Book Award for best novel. Doctoroctor is one of the most important contemporary writers in the United States and a frequent guest of major American literary awards. He has won many Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award. For the winner, Doctoroc said, “Over the years I have always wondered whether literary awards can help with literature, but I found that I still could not resist the temptation to win the prize.”
德育 (即道德教育 )是素质教育的重要组成部分。德育的过程是培养学生的道德观念、道德情感、意志及道德行为的过程 ,应该贯穿于教学的始终 ,贯穿于各门课程当中。英语教学要
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历年来 ,我们的英语教学均以语法知识为主线 ,忽略了语言运用能力的培养 ,致使学生不能适应外语人才市场的需要。为贯彻《普通高等专科英语教学基本要求》 ,突出外语教学的实
背景:  目前一些研究已经发现RPN2在一些癌症中调节细胞生长,然而RPN2与结直肠癌细胞的增殖及其机制还不清楚。  方法:  在64个结直肠癌组织标本中,我们使用免疫组化和统计
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