加强品牌培育 引领行业创新

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棉纺织行业是纺织工业的基础行业,纱线、面料质量和档次的提高对后道深加工以及整个纺织产业提升起着至关重要的作用。为培育出一批行业内有代表性的名牌企业、名牌产品,提高棉纺织行业的整体竞争实力,几年来中国棉纺织行业协会积极推进“中国名牌”认证工作。 Cotton textile industry is the basic industry of textile industry. The improvement of yarn quality and fabric quality plays a crucial role in downstream deep processing and the improvement of the whole textile industry. In order to cultivate a group of well-known brand-name enterprises and brand-name products in the industry and enhance the overall competitive strength of the cotton textile industry, in recent years, China Cotton Textile Industry Association has actively promoted the certification of “China Famous Brand”.
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大多数 TOEFL 考生反映:“听力部分语速太快,听起来很模糊。”其实,造成这种听觉障碍的原因不单是语速快慢问题,更重要的是诸如连读、重音、弱化、缩读等美音常见的音变问题;