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骨骼发育年龄(简称骨龄)与月经初潮、首次遗精的关系,国内外报道日益增多,通常采用回顾性调查方法。本文采用回顾性配对调查和追踪调查的方法,对齐齐哈尔铁路中小学生月经初潮、首次遗精与骨龄的关系进行了调查,并尽量缩短回顾时间,使资料接近于现状。1 对象和方法1.1 对象1984年6月在本地区中小学男13~16岁1111人,女11~15岁2529人中选出调查日前三个月内月经初潮者65人,首次遗精者30人,分别与同年月出生未来潮、未遗精的学生配成对子。同年10月对未来潮者47人,未遗精者25人现进了追踪观察。 The age of skeletal development (referred to as bone age) and menarche, first spermatorrhea relationship, increasing domestic and international reports, usually using a retrospective survey. In this paper, a retrospective paired investigation and follow-up survey method was used to investigate the relationship between menarche and first spermatorrhea and bone age in primary and secondary school students in Qiqihar Railway, and to shorten the review time to bring the data closer to the status quo. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 object June 1984 in primary and secondary schools in the region male 11 to 13 years old 1111, female 11 to 15 years old 2529 people selected survey within the first three months of menstruation 65 people, 30 first-time mistresses , Respectively, with the same year the same year the birth of the future tide, not sperm students paired. In the same year in October on the next wave of 47 people, not sperm 25 people are now under follow-up observation.
乡村教育的发展,尤其是偏远山区教育事业的发展,主要依托于乡村教师的巨大奉献。此系列报道旨在呼吁更多的人关注乡村教师的现状 The development of rural education, espe