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在人类历史上,多次记录过天花大规模流行的悲惨情景。公元846年,在入侵法国的诺曼人中间,突然爆发了天花,天花病的流行使诺曼人的首领只好下令,将所有的病人和看护病人的人统统杀掉。1555年,墨西哥天花大流行,全国1500万人口中,死了200万人。16~18世纪,欧洲每年死于天花病的人数为50万,亚洲达80万人。有人估计,18世纪内有1.5亿人死于天花。1979年10月26日,世界卫生组织宣布:人类历史上最后一名天花病人,来自“非洲之角”索马里的牧民——阿里·毛·马林被治愈了。从此,地球上再也没有发现天花病了。天花在全世界的灭绝,要感谢英国一个乡村医生,他就是爱德华·琴纳。 In the history of humankind, many tragic scenes of large-scale endemic smallpox have been recorded. In 846 AD, among the Normans who had invaded France, there was a sudden outbreak of smallpox. The prevalence of smallpox caused the Norman chiefs to order the killing of all the patients and the caregivers. In 1555, Mexico’s smallpox pandemic killed 2 million people out of a population of 15 million people. In the 16th and 18th centuries, the number of people who died of smallpox in Europe was 500,000 each year, and 800,000 people in Asia. It has been estimated that 150 million people died of smallpox in the 18th century. On October 26, 1979, the World Health Organization announced that the last patient with smallpox in human history, Aristo Maolin, a herdsman from the “horn of Africa” ​​and Somalia, was cured. Since then, no smallpox has been found on Earth. The extinction of the smallpox in the world is thanks to a rural doctor in the United Kingdom. He is Edward Jenner.
主要对构建高中数学高效课堂方法的相关性内容进行了系统探讨与分析,并为更好地实现我国高中数学课堂的高效,从方法上提供了参考依据。 Mainly to build high school mathem
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