
来源 :南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xulee_jj
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利用西双版纳雨季 ( 7月 )次生林林窗叶表温的观测资料 ,探讨了林窗内定居种冠层温度的时空变化特征。结果表明 ,因林窗不同区域所接受太阳辐射的差异 ,加之林缘热力效应的综合作用 ,使得林窗定居种冠面在不同时段其最大热力作用区域是各异的 ;林窗各测点与中央的叶表温差区域分异显著 ,特别是中午的分异最为明显。植株叶表温度与气温平衡在 2 5 .8℃附近 ,但因受日照、林缘树木的综合影响 ,不同方位达平衡的时刻不同 :林窗南侧边缘叶表温与气温整天基本处于平衡状态 ,下午 1 6时后受阴天和树冠荫蔽的影响 ,各测点叶表温与气温均处于平衡状态 ;在晴好天气状况及不受荫蔽状况下 ,叶表温高于气温 ,波动范围为 0~ 3℃ ;1 5时雨后初晴 ,叶面蒸发耗热 ,叶表温低于气温。这种“峰值动态位移现象”可能会影响不同时期物种的入侵、定居、繁殖 ,进而影响林窗物种的组成 The temporal and spatial variations of canopy temperature in settlements were discussed using the observed data of the leaf temperature of the secondary forests in Xishuangbanna during the rainy season (July). The results show that the difference of solar radiation accepted by different regions of the forest window and the combined effect of the thermal effects on the forest edge make the maximum thermal effect region of the crest of the forest window settling species different at different time periods. The central leaf temperature difference between the regional significant difference, especially the most obvious differences at noon. However, due to the combined influence of sunshine and forest margin trees, the balance of the different orientations is different at different times: the surface temperature at the south edge of the forest window is almost in balance with the temperature throughout the day State, after 16 o’clock in the afternoon by the cloudy and canopy shading effect, the measuring point leaf surface temperature and temperature are in balance; in fine weather conditions and unhinged conditions, leaf surface temperature is higher than temperature, the fluctuation range 0 ~ 3 ℃; 15 clear early after the rain, the leaf surface evaporation heat consumption, leaf surface temperature is lower than the temperature. This phenomenon of “peak dynamic displacement” may affect the invasion, settlement and reproduction of species in different periods and further affect the composition of species
对退化红壤上恢复10a的4种人工林,即小叶栎(Quercus chenii)、木荷(Schima superba)、马尾松(Pinus massonina)与木荷-马尾松的混交林土壤节肢动物群落进行了季节动态调查.结
选用 3种种衣剂用 1种拌种方法处理玉米种 ,研究不同处理对玉米苗情的影响及对地下害虫的防效。结果表明 :玉米生产型种衣剂的保苗率高达 83 .7% ,大豆种衣剂次之 ,为 81.7%
198 7~ 2 0 0 1年对安徽省农科院水稻所育成的 70 0 1S、80 87S、3 5 0 2S、3 5 16S 4个粳型光敏核不育系进行了育性观察。研究结果表明 :4个粳型光敏核不育系在合肥历年稳定
螟黄赤眼蜂对 2 50Gy直接辐照的新鲜棉铃虫卵和未辐照的新鲜棉铃虫卵的寄生率没有显著差异 ;与辐照的新鲜卵相比较 ,辐照的低温保存过的卵的寄生率要低。螟黄赤眼蜂在 2 50Gy