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我们临湘市政府经研室适应发展社会主义市场经济的需要,刻意创新,勤奋实践,不断改进调研方法,较好地发挥了为经济建设服务的本职效能.我们主要作了以下探索.一、吃准经济运行的新特点,把握调研的针对性.我们抓住计划经济向市场经济转轨换型的新特点,深入实践一线,扎扎实实地进行调查,将每一种新情况、新倾向、新苗头置于政府宏观经济调控的大局中考察其发展趋势,后果影响以及相应的对策,争取调研成果进入高层决策.一是寻找国家宏观经济政策在实际应用中的反差,提供对策性的建议.去年初,国家取消粮棉三挂钩物资,实行价外加价补贴政策后,农业生产一度出现了少有的断钱少物现象,农民对此反映十分强烈,不愿与政府签订粮食经济合同.我们便深入湖洲山区实地调查和反复算帐对比,写出了《优惠政策变成了口惠政策》的调查文章,一些建议得到了决策机关的认可.二是探究倾向性问题.去年上半年,不少企业的厂长、 Our Linxiang City Hall to adapt to the needs of the development of socialist market economy, deliberately innovative, hard-working, and constantly improve the research methods, and better play to serve the economic construction of their own functions. We mainly made the following exploration.A, We should seize the new features of economic operation and grasp the pertinence of investigation and research.We will seize the new features of the planned economy to transform from a market economy to a deep-going implementation of the first-line investigation in a down-to-earth manner, bringing every new situation, new trend and new In the overall macro-economic regulation and control of the government, we study the development trend, the consequences and the corresponding countermeasures, and strive for the research results into the high-level decision-making.Firstly, we seek the contrast of the national macroeconomic policies in practical application and provide countermeasures. In the early days, when the state canceled the materials linked to grain and grain and cotton and implemented the subsidy policy of price extra-price subsidies, there was a rare phenomenon that the peasants could not afford to lose money and money. The peasants responded very strongly and did not want to sign the grain economy contract with the government. In-depth investigation into the mountainous areas in Hwasuzhou and repeated accounting comparison, wrote the “preferential policies into the mouthful of policy” survey articles, some suggestions Decision-making organ of approval. The second is to explore and tendencies in the first half of last year, many companies director,
本研究通过观察载5-FU聚乳酸纳米微粒(5-fluorouracil-loaded polylactic acid-nanoparticles,5-FU-PLA-NPs)对体外培养的人Tenon囊成纤维细胞和Ⅲ型前胶原蛋白的作用效果,为进
摘 要:近年来,随着社会各界在教学改革工作上关注力度的不断加大,教学模式、理念、手段及方式等方面的创新与变革成为了现阶段教学改革工作的重点内容。高中作为现阶段综合教育体系中影响学生个人学习水平与质量的重要时期,积极推进教学方法与思路的创新改革,尤其是高中数学教学与解题思路上的变革。能够最大程度上引导学生理解数学学科的本质特点,进一步夯实数学基础,提高解题与学习能力,并为高中数学的教学改革工作创造良
摘 要:随着时代的发展、社会的变革,教材中的一些内容会显得落后与陈旧。因此,要想让每一个学生的思维能力真正得到发展,教师必须要从教材入手,仔细分析教材的特点,包括内容的特点,编排的特点等等,精心重构教材,才能使教材更适合学生,更适应课堂。  关键词:教材;重构;思维     教材是学科专家,教学名师围绕课程标准,精选素材,反复研讨,科学编排出来的教学用书,是学科知识的重要载体,课堂教学的基本依据
目的:分析GRACE评分(the Global Registry of Acute Coronary score,GRACE)与冠脉病变程度之间的相关性,后者可用Gensini评分表示,探讨GRACE评分在拟诊非ST段抬高急性冠脉综
INTRODUCTION Thyroid cancer has generated considerable interest,debate and development of several guidelines around the world since the incidence of thyroid can
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摘 要:小学数学是比较抽象的学科,对于小学生来说,在学习小学数学的过程中会遇到很多困难。在新课改背景下,要求小学数学贴近生活,走进生活,提高数学的实用性。生活化的教学可以提升小学生对数学的学习兴趣和积极性,有效提高学习效率,便于学生理解知识,并进行实用,帮助小学生将知识融入生活。  关键词:新课改;小学数学;生活化;教学     在新课改的深入实施与发展的过程中,将小学数学的教学与生活紧密结合是