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有限的资源,无尽的需求,今天,不仅中国,整个人类面临着资源枯竭和环境污染的双重全球难题。美国经济学家鲍尔丁曾比喻地球是宇宙中一个孤立无援的系统,与太空中的飞船一样。两者的共同特征都是不断消耗其内部的有限资源,一旦资源殆尽,就会毁灭。为了生存,飞船必须不断重复利用自身有限的资源,才能延长运转寿命。19世纪60年代,循环经济概念面世。循环经济是一种以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,以“减量化、再利用、资源化”为原则,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征,符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式,是对“大量生产、大量消费、大量废弃”的传统增长模式的根本变革。中国于2004年提出发展循环经济,并取得了一定成效。但循环经济存在的问题也是有目共睹,目前最需要的是其解决之道。2005年,一家竭诚为燃煤行业节能环保助力的北京炭宝科技发展有限公司出现在大众视野。从现代立窑水泥节能增效剂的研发到立窑水泥企业转产洁净型煤和生物炭的实践,是它致力于节能减排领域的一个创举。——它以无可辩驳的事实第一次对于燃煤行业的高耗能和高污染说不,第一次把对于大众来说尤如海市蜃楼的新能源概念变为现实。这是真正意义上的循环经济,不仅具有实际的经济效益和社会效益,还让循环经济这个空洞的概念付诸实用和变得好理解。这是循环经济方面的一面旗帜。为此,记者采访了炭宝科技的创立者、立窑转产的策划人——中国中小企业协会副会长、专家型的企业家北京炭宝科技发展有限公司董事长崔宝玲先生。 With limited resources and endless demand, not only China but also the entire mankind is facing a double global problem of resource depletion and environmental pollution. Baldin, an economist in the United States, once compared the Earth to an isolated one in the universe, just like a spaceship in space. The common characteristic of both is the constant depletion of their limited internal resources, which will be destroyed once resources are exhausted. In order to survive, the spacecraft must constantly recycle its own limited resources to extend operational life. The 1860s, the concept of circular economy available. Circular economy is a kind of resource-efficient use and recycling as the core, “reduction, reuse, resource ” as the principle, low consumption, low emissions, high efficiency as the basic features in line with sustainable development The concept of economic growth mode is a fundamental change to the traditional growth model of “mass production, mass consumption and massive abandonment.” China proposed the development of circular economy in 2004 and achieved some success. However, the problems of circular economy are obvious to all people. What is needed mostly now is its solution. In 2005, a coal charcoal Technology Development Co., Ltd. dedicated to energy conservation and environmental protection in the coal industry appeared in the public view. From the modern shaft kiln cement energy efficiency synergist research to convert kiln cement companies clean coal and biochar practice, it is committed to the field of energy-saving emission reduction initiative. - For the first time in its irrefutable truth, it does not say for the first time in energy-intensive and pollution-prone industries in the coal-burning industry that for the first time a new concept of energy for the general public, like a mirage, is made possible. This is a truly circular economy that not only has practical economic and social benefits, but also makes the empty concept of circular economy practical and well understood. This is a banner of circular economy. To this end, the reporter interviewed charcoal founder of science and technology, shaft kiln conversion planners - China Association for SMEs, vice president, expert entrepreneur Beijing Charcoal Technology Development Co., Ltd. Chairman Cui Baoling.
吸烟作为人们的一种习惯和嗜好,已有很长的历史,在我国吸烟现象十分普遍,目前,我国烟民有3亿多,居世界第一,占全球烟民总数的四分之一。 As a habit and hobby of people,
我6岁的时候就开始读书了,那是1934年的春天。我们的学校只有3间草房,一间做先生的卧室,其余的两间做课堂。课桌和凳子各家自带,八仙桌、四仙桌、梳桌、案板,什么都有。 I s
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西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 省经贸委、省人事厅、省劳动和社会保障厅《关于深化企业内部三项制度改革的实施意见》已经省人民政府同意,现