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从沅水上游的(氵舞)阳河与清水江到乌江、贵阳,正是中国工农红军第六军团、中央红军、第二方面军长征初入贵州的战场。湘黔公路;从泛着硃砂碧黛水彩的(氵舞)阳河,翻上披满青杉翠竹的苗岭,虽说我们已跨上云贵高原的边缘,行车在海拔一两千公尺的山上。然而,山环水绕,不觉身在高原,极目四望:白云碧染森林,森林翠拥幽谷,棕红茶果,散着引人流涎的油香,雪艳茶花,挑起绿波林海的新意,那参天的青杠树,象身披蓑衣照料庄稼的老农那样,慈祥地张着遍身阔叶,殷勤照料温静松柏和活泼桦杨、而又让给她们探吻太阳的道路。林海上的缥缈云雾,时而 From Yangshui River and Qingshui River to Wujiang and Guiyang Rivers upstream from Yuanshui, it is the battlefield of Guizhou that the Sixth Corps of the Red Army of Workers and Peasants of China, the Central Red Army and the Second Front Army marched into Guizhou. Hunan and Guizhou Highway; from the vermilion Juban Bi Dai (氵 dance) Yang River, turned over the Miaoling covered with green cedar bamboo, although we have crossed the edge of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, traffic at an altitude of 1-2000 meters Mountain. However, the mountains around the water, do not feel body in the plateau, looked around: Baiyun Bilin forest, Forest Green Yonggu, brown red tea fruit, scattered with the sobering oil incense, snow Camellia, provoke Green Pollock Sea new The towering green bar tree, kindly dressed as a veteran in the care of crops, kindly extended its leaves and looked after the warmth of cypresses and lively poplars, leaving them to kiss the sun. Haystorm clouds, sometimes
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